Jewish Sage Maimonides Medical Writings tells is that King Solomon shared these secrets of great health. Physical health cannot be addressed without the addressing emotional and spiritual issues also. Rabeinu Moses Ben Maimon who was a great Torah scholar and physician in the 15th Century says the whole person must be treated.
He sat out to uphold Torah divine dictum which is the gold standard of maintaining good health, preservation of life and healing the whole body and soul.
G-d gave Traditional Torah (Bible) Medicine and Aromatherapy, which has been practiced for more than five thousand years, has a central principle that Maimonides classifies five major organ systems that are each associated with particular emotions. The five major organ systems involve pairs of organs and an associated emotion.
The liver and gallbladder are associated with anger, the heart and small intestine are associated with joy that can cause palpitations and restlessness, the spleen and stomach are associated with over-thinking, negative thinking, or pensiveness that can lead to depression that can lead to digestive issues, the lungs and large intestine are associated with grief which cause causes breathing and raspatory issues, and the kidney and bladder are associated with fear and deep seeded anger that cause kidney stones and other severe dysfunction. Emotional health is an integral part of the Torah (Bible) medicine and aromatherapy focuses on the relationship between emotions and organs and their effect on health.
Joy is an emotion of deep contentment and is connected to the heart. When a person becomes overexcited with joy, she can experience agitation, insomnia, fever and heart palpitations. Joy is a great thing but it should be the kind joy that creates better health. You can find joy in the wrong things, people and situations that can cause great stress on your body. So be careful. If you feel sick in the heart it the emotional connection to feel you have failed.
Anger is an emotion that is associated with resentment, frustration, irritability and rage. Maimonides asserts that this choleric emotion is stored in the liver and gallbladder, which produce and store bile, respectively. This anger can affect many biological processes that sap energy and cause headaches, dizziness and high blood pressure.
Anxiety is an emotion of excessive worry that can affect the lungs and large intestine, according to several studies. Anxiety can cause a person to be unable to use energy and suffer from shortness of breath and ulcerative colitis, an inflammation of the large intestine.
Grief is an emotion that can cause a person to cry, create disharmony in the lungs and block energy from circulating throughout the body. Grief can sap the will to live, injure the lungs and cause respiratory diseases.
Pensiveness is an emotion of excessive negative thinking and melancholy. Pensiveness affects the spleen and can cause fatigue, lethargy, and inability to concentrate. According to Maimonides, it can also constrict the digestive system and affect the stomach with gas, distension and bloating.
Fear is an emotion that can cause disharmony in the kidneys and cause involuntary urination. Extreme fear can cause a person to spontaneously lose control of his kidneys and bladder.
Fright is an emotion of shock and panic due to something sudden and unexpected. Fright affects the heart in the short run and when it becomes chronic can affect the kidneys.
What emotions look like when they get stuck in your body.

What emotion do you want to be stuck with?
All the organs, tissues and cells in the body have an energetic frequency. Negative emotions and negative thoughts have a different energetic frequency than healthy cells and tissue. Because of that, they can distort the organs, tissues, and cells that surround wherever they’re stored in the body. When the energetic frequency of the body gets too low, dis-ease has a perfect environment to live in!
Mood properties essential oils moods Alertness Assertiveness Concentration Confidence Contentment Creativity Focus Happiness Joy Peace Performance Positive Restfulness Self-awareness Self-esteem Self-image. The mood created by a particular smell has a lot to do with the limbic system in the body, and this is the oldest and most ancient system in the brain.
- Alertness Basil, Bergamot, Black pepper, Grapefruit, Peppermint, Rosemary, Frankincense
- Assertiveness Basil, Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ylang-Ylang, Lime, Saffron
- Concentration Lemon, Basil, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Frankincense, Chamomile Roman, Myrrh
- Confidence Cypress, Fennel, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Orange, Pine , Balsam, Myrtle
- Contentment Cypress Blue, Cypress , Lavender, Bergamot, Orange, Sandalwood, Cloves, Ylang-Ylang
- Creativity Bergamot, Lemon,Frankincense, Neroli, Rose, Jasmine, Cloves, Myrrh, Cistus
- Focus Thyme,Lemon, Fennel, Bergamot, Basil, Cypress, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Leaf, Myrrh, Onyca
- Happiness Orange, Rose, Jasmine, Ginger, Cloves, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Leaf, Geranium Cistus
- Joy Sandalwood, Frankincense, Lemon, Petitgrain, Blood Orange, Bergamot, Etrog
- Peace Chamomile Roman, Neroli, Juniper Berry, Frankincense, Melissa, Yarrow, Spikenard
- Performance Bay, Bergamot, Frankincense, Lemon, Grapefruit, Lavender, Jasmine, Myrtle
- Positive Basil, Lemon, Grapefruit, Myrrh, Patchouli, Geranium, Frankincense, Onyca
- Restfulness Lavender, Geranium, Clary sage, Neroli, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Myrtle
- Self-awareness Cypress, Clary sage, Jasmine, Coriander, Cloves, Sandalwood, Galbanum, Hyssop
- Self-esteem Jasmine, Geranium, Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Hyssop, Myrtle, Balsam, Frankincense
- Self-image Orange, Lavender, Melissa, Neroli, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Bay, Pine, Nutmeg ,
Praise: Find Joy in the depth of the Soul
Learn how and why to praise God at any place, any time, and in all ways.
Psalm 150:1–6
We should praise G-d no matter what we are going through. So long as you have breath, praise G-d for who he is and what he does, in any and every possible way.
Outrage and Anger
Learn to forgive when you want to fight back.
Psalm 137:1–9
G-d doesn’t expect us to pretend our outrage isn’t real. He does expect us to resist the temptation to return evil for evil, to work for reconciliation, learn to leave the room with love and compassion, and to overcome evil with good.
Learn how to handle the pain of what might have been.
Psalm 107:1–43
How we can find peace when our dreams have been shattered? Psalm 107 offers hope to those disappointed with life. Be grateful so that that gratefulness can create more of what you are grateful for.
Learn the cause of—and cure—for our incessant inner hunger.
Psalm 42:1–11
We will all feel restless until the Moshiach arrives, but we can find contentment until then by putting our security in G-d.
Remember your thought creates neuropathways in the brain. If you are anger alot you are creating great health issues that might manifest itself in the physical. Science has shown that water records its environment. We are made of 72% to 80% water, those feelings are also recorded in your body’s water. So there two things going on here. One you are creating new pathways in your brain or forming a habit by neuropathways and it is recorded in your body in the water that makes up your body.
I have done many classes that our brain is in the image of the Holy of Holies in the Temple. Now consider that your brain is made up of a left and right hemisphere. The covering of your brain is the cerebrum. So just as the Cherubim covered something significant inside the ark (the brain) so too does the left and right cerebrum cover some very important glands that serve as a link between our physical and spiritual natures. One such component is the pineal gland, also known as the mind’s eye.
Consider that the stone tablets making up the Ten Commandments were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant. Now, remember that the ark symbolizes the mind and brain.
The Ten Commandments are universal in nature. When one becomes enlightened, the Ten Commandments are realized and lived out from within. This is especially true after the awakening of the mind’s eye, or pineal gland. Now consider the text below from Jeremiah:
“This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares Adonai. “I will put my law in their minds and write in on their hearts” (Jeremiah 31:31)
G-d is building his Temple silently within you. Without hammers and nails so that G-d’s spirit will dwell within you.
“In building the Temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the Temple site while it was being built.” 1King 6:7 “But Adonai is in His Holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him.” (Habakkuk 2:20). Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am G-d.” and Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the Adonai, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
When we fill our mind and heart with Torah it changes our moods creates pathways that build G-d’s Temple within. Our brains would be functioning at full capacity and we would have excellent health. Negative thoughts and emotions can create a new Temple one that is not G-d’s Temple. Ponder that just for a moment.
Ask yourself are you changing the plan of G-d’s Temple? Psalms 144:12 sons and daughters are compared to choice cut stones giving shape or form to a palace (see the Jewish Publication Society’s Tanakh).
Importance of tabnit, the ‘plan’ The key to the Temple’s secrets is in the floor plan and layout of its furnishings. The “plan” or “pattern” (Heb., tabnit) of its structure and furniture is mentioned I Chronicles 28:11, 12, 19. Tabnit is also translated as design, structure, figure, form, likeness, and shape. In Ezekiel 8:10 the prophet sees repulsive forms or figures of creeping beasts, but in 8:3 he is lifted up by the form or figure of G-d’s hand or an angel’s (see also 10:8).
Ask yourself do you need to move out your furniture (emotional baggage) make room for G-d to build within you His Holy Temple so that you may heal? Is your emotions making you sick? if you answer yes then know you have changed the floor plan of his Temple. G-d created you to be a miniature Temple. One that reflects Him and his Torah (Holy Word).
Tabnit forms plan or pattern of the Temple, and before him at Sinai Moses heard God’s verbal instructions for the form of the Mishkan (tabernacle). Tabnit is also related to banah, which means to build a structure or house –– or to raise children since a “house” also refer to a family. Thus, in Ruth 4:11 Rachel and Leah, the two wives of Jacob (later renamed Israel), are called the “builders” of the House of Israel. This is tabnit’s link to buildings, ordinary houses, human beings, and the human body Temple that belongs to G-d. “It is meritorious to anoint our bodies for healing because our bodies are a miniature image of the Holy Temple.”
ויעש את־שמן המשחה קדש ואת־קטרת הסמים טהור מעשה רקח׃
And he made the Moshiach Shemen and the pure Ketoret of sweet b’somim, after the art of the perfumer. ~Shemos 37:29 (Exodus)
UPDATE: 2018 Highly recommend this book also!