by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Oct 8, 2024 | Blog, Blog, Deeper Meanings, Kedusha, Torah
The Torah has logic and purpose and if G-d forbid, the Torah appears to some as a “closed book” then it may be difficult for them to perform the mitzvot and they may reject them because of it. When Torah cannot be understood then mitzvot cannot be performed properly,...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | May 27, 2024 | Blog, Deeper Meanings, Holidays, Holy Land, Israel essential oils, israeli distilled, kedem Shemen, Kedusha, Torah, tribes
SHAVUOS: THE LIFTING OF THE VEIL Shavuos, which begins this evening at sunset, is not merely the anniversary of the day 3336 years ago when we received the Torah on Mount Sinai. The Sages teach that every year on this date, we receive the Torah anew. In this sense,...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | May 8, 2024 | Blog, Blog, Holidays, Holy Land, Israel, Israel, Kedusha, Torah
Lag Ba’Omer is a minor Jewish holiday that falls between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot. “Lag” is a combination of two Hebrew letters: lamed and gimmel. According to Hebrew numerology, lamed stands for the number thirty and gimmel stands for...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Mar 1, 2024 | Uncategorized
When you hear “the enhanced efficacy” it is the knowledge which comes from understanding how multiple herbs work together, It is refrence to the amplified therapeutic benefits. Each herb has its own set of active compounds, and when combined, these...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 7, 2023 | Kedusha, Torah
At the Hebrew University, there was a paper stating that Ancient people would bathe in infusion maceration oils as part of a three-day ceremony to prepare soldiers for war. This beautiful oil is ‘courage’ in a bottle. It’s helped me through some of my toughest battles...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
“An Israeli study found that Multiple Sclerosis patients taking a nutritional supplement made of Pomegranate seed Oil showed “significant cognitive improvement” after just three months. The small-scale study of 30 patients was conducted at the Multiple Sclerosis...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 22, 2023 | Blog, Blog, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, High Holidays, Holidays, Holy Land, Israel, Israel, Israel essential oils, israeli distilled, kedem Shemen, Kedusha, Torah
Sages tells us there are five levels of the soul, which can be interpreted as forms of breath—neshama, which has nearly all the same letters as neshima, meaning breath; ruach which is a form of belly-breathing; nefesh whose letters can be...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
Often I get asked this questions “What is the difference between Alchemist and Apothecary? And what does the Torah/Bible say? Many people do get them mixed up! So which one is found in the Bible/Torah and which one is not? So Apothecary is found in many texts...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 8, 2023 | Uncategorized
Let’s Talk about Pumpkin. Are gourds in the Tanach/ Bible? The answer is a resounding Yes! Gourds were used in the Holy Temple Design by King Solomon Kings 6:18-20 The inside of the temple was cedar, carved with gourds and open flowers. Everything was...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 1, 2023 | Ancient process, Ancient Shemen, Blog, Blog, Body Temple, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, frequency, Holidays, Israel, Israel, Israel essential oils, kedem Shemen, Kedusha, ketoret, Science of smell, Torah
“Shema is Shemen” Gather your Oil. From Torah Aromatherapy School Lesson 24“ Shema is Shemen” Gather your Oil. Written By Rivka Sari 2007 The word Shema means “to listen” but it has a much deeper meaning. It means “to gather”. When we say the Shema we need to have our...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | May 15, 2023 | Uncategorized
How are Isolates Extracted? Plants are much like little chemical factories that have all naturally occurring chemical constituents. If you’ve ever checked out a GC/MS report, that tells you the purity of essential oils and their constituents and that each constituent...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Unfortunately, there are other markets trying to knock off brands of high-quality essential oils and skincare products. So we decided to post this statement Below to be clear about where we stand! PLEASE NOTE:Our Logo Brand and products are registered and trademarked....
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Feb 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
Picture copyright 2011 by Rivka sari Wild Mint represented wealth and abundance. Malachi 3:10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the L-rd of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Feb 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Feb 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
The different types of frankincense really only vary in terms of aroma the benefits and effects they offer are all incredibly similar. Yes, you read that right! While each has a distinct chemical profile which is true but several species share the same constituents...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jan 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
סַּעַּכ/ ka’as – ‘Anger’ & Idol-Worshipתלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף קה/ב רַ בִּ י שִּ מְ עֹון בֶּן אֶּ לְעָזָר אֹומֵ ר מִּ ּׁשּום ]חִּ ילְפָא בַר אַ גְ רָ א, שֶּ אָ מַ ר מִּ ּׁשּום[ רַ בִּ י יֹוחָנָן בֶּן)גוריה( ]נּורִּ י[, הַמְ קָרֵ ע בְ גָדָ יו בַחֲמָ תֹו, וְ הַמְ שַ...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 29, 2021 | Uncategorized
Scientists have captured the highest-resolution images ever taken of DNA, revealing previously unseen twisting and squirming behaviors that implies DNA is more complex than previously believed. Did you know that our DNA has a hidden message? DNA moves which I like to...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 7, 2021 | Blog, Blog, Deeper Meanings, Holidays, Holy Land, Holy Temple, Israel, Israel, Israel essential oils, Kedusha, Torah Herbalist
This is one of my many favorite tea blendsFig Leaf -Ficus carica has so many benefits. Ofen it is used for diabetes, stress, rich in antimicrobial properties. For pain and swelling, it has an anti-inflammatory action to bring down trauma and clear skin issues, and...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 22, 2021 | Uncategorized
Moses says in Hebrew “erase me”, the letters of this word, rearranged, spell out “waters of Noah”, pointing to this secret connection between reincarnated souls. When Moses was faced with G-d say he would wipe out the entire Hebrew Jewish people because of their sins,...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jul 18, 2021 | Ancient process, Ancient Shemen, Blog, Blog, Body Temple, color therapy, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, frequency, Holy Temple, Kedusha, ketoret, Mishkan, Science of smell, Torah
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Mar 21, 2021 | Ancient process, Ancient Shemen, Blog, Blog, color therapy, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, frequency, Infusion, Israel, Kedusha, Mishkan, Science of smell, Torah, Uncategorized
(Publish in Torah Herbalist group on Facebook) Today most of us are destined to occupy a lowly place in life and some of us never rise in stature. Our position is like that of the humble violet, not of large towering forest trees. And yet such healing, grace, and...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Mar 16, 2021 | Ancient process, Ancient Shemen, Blog, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, Holy Land, Israel, Israel, Kedusha, ketoret, Mishkan, Science of smell, Torah
Gan Aden is here and now its only absent in our minds. Gan Aden is another dimension that we can only reach in our minds where G-d’s most holy place is our body’s Temple. Sages tell when we read about Jacob’s dream of the latter the malachim which translates as...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Mar 3, 2021 | Ancient Shemen, Blog, Blog, Deeper Meanings, Holidays, Israel, Kedusha, Torah
Queen Esther also known as Hadassah Happiness and Love is in the air because it is the Hebrew month of Adar! This is the month of Joy and a month where we feel G-d’s love and protection even when we cannot fully see or comprehend that love fully. these days we...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jan 20, 2021 | Ancient Shemen, Deeper Meanings, frequency, Holidays, Israel, Israel, Kedusha, ketoret, Mishkan, Science of smell, Torah
Israel 2014 The sense of smell is the purest and most elevated. It is through the nose that G-d invested Adam with a soul, as it says, G-d breathed into man’s nostrils a breath of life (Genesis 2:7). Since there is no perceptible physical matter to smell, it is...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jan 6, 2021 | Uncategorized
It is Back!The Sea of Galilee Synergy Blend Made in Israel יָם כִּנֶּרֶת Sea of Galilee Synergy Eseential Oil Blend Kinneret Sea of Galilee 2010 The aroma reminds you of the sweet smell of the fresh-water sea like air overlooking the Kinneret Sea of Galilee as the...