by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Oct 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
Did you know when a couple argues they are causing a stink? If you fight with people you are causing a stink in the world. Yup fighting and all the negative energy and emotions that go with it is stinky buisness to G-d! We all have five senses. One of them is the...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Oct 18, 2020 | Ancient process, Blog, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, High Holidays, Holidays, Holy Land, Israel, Israel, Israel essential oils, Kedusha, ketoret, Mishkan, perfume, Torah
In the Beginning G-d Gen 1:1 בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אמת The last letter of each word is rearranged to spell Emet which is the Hebrew word for truth. Here we learn that creation was arranged by G-d’s hands and was done in Truth -Emet. G-d took chaos and made...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 25, 2020 | Ancient process, Ancient Shemen, Blog, divine smell, High Holidays, Holidays, Israel, Israel, Israel essential oils, Kedusha, Mishkan, perfume, Science of smell, Torah, tribes
Rain Dance of IsraelWe captured the aroma of rain in Israel with inspiration from the prayer for rain which comes from the (Heb. תְּפִלַּת גֶּשֶׁם, Tefillat Geshem (Ashkenazi); תִּקּוּן הַגֶּשֶׁם, Tikkun ha-Geshem (Sephardi)), prayers offered on various occasions, in...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
It has come to my attention that a chorus of voices around the world are orchestrating the same goal in solving the world crisis of environmental destruction. Now with pandemic Governments are saying around the world they will allow people go back to work, but with...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 4, 2020 | Uncategorized
This year has been especially difficult with a pandemic that has taken fewer lives worldwide than the seasonal flu did last year, but is more of a devastating blow to the world because of how swiftly it can change lives and take lives. One thing it has not done is...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | May 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
Ruth, is a symbol of the grain: like a seed, she comes to be planted in a new region. She is a staff of life: she brings sustenance to her mother-in-law Naomi who represents the Jewish people, and she marries Boaz, the elderly and generous man who perhaps represents...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Apr 17, 2020 | Ancient Shemen, Blog, Blog, breastplate, color therapy, Deeper Meanings, frequency, High Holidays, Israel, Israel, Kedusha, Mishkan, Science of smell, sinai, Torah, tribes, Uncategorized
Frequency matched to your emotions determines your connection to the Divine Creator our King and G-d. When performing mitzvot (good deeds) do it with real connection and not just as a servant, but serve with love, peace, joy, and enlightenment. ~Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D,...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jan 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
While there is etrog grown in Italy and elsewhere that are under rabbinical supervision those etrogim are not grown in the Holy Land. Israel is the true Etrog Citron native soin. Israeli grown etrog is the best Citron in the world. Shop Here Etrog Citron© (Heb....
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 22, 2019 | Uncategorized
G-d made man with three interrelated and interdependent qualities. These three qualities are physical, mental and spiritual. In Deuteronomy 6:5, G-d said “Thou shalt love your God with all thine heart, (mental), and all your soul (spiritual), and with all your might...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Sep 27, 2019 | Blog, Blog, Deeper Meanings, frequency, Kedusha, Science of smell
The world is suffering with a Spiritual Thyroid Issue. It is a pattern that a lot of doctors are beginning to notice. In the Hebrew mindset we have know this has been a problem for centuries. Many times in my practice of Clinical Aromatherapy there is a pattern...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Aug 24, 2019 | Blog, Blog, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, frequency, High Holidays, Holidays, Israel, Kedusha, perfume, Torah, Uncategorized
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jul 16, 2019 | Uncategorized
Picture taken Feigy Rut Michealson ISRAEL 2000 “Did the Ketoret just enhance her (Queen Esther) pheromones when mixed with the myrrh and other spices? Jewish Sages says that it did and yet the King could not figure out the formula of the Ketoret because it was...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jun 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Balms, Butters and Salves: A Student Experience Rivka Sari Enjoy this student paper written by Rivka Sari for her Balms, Butters and Salves course completion featuring three beautiful recipes we really wanted to share! Vegan Herbal Salve Made with soothing Chamomile...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jun 6, 2019 | Ancient Shemen, Blog, Deeper Meanings, Holidays, Israel, Kedusha, Torah
Deep Meaning of Fifty and Shavuot. by rivka | Jun 10, 2016 | Shavuot , Fifty, Torah Fifty חמישים can be found 154 times in the Tanach/Bible. Its meaning is directly related to the coming of God’s Holy Spirit of understanding with the Torah. Shavuot occurred on the day...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | May 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | May 8, 2019 | Blog, Blog, frequency, Israel, Kedusha, Mishkan, Science of smell, Torah, Uncategorized
The only kind of fat we should have. The word Shemen means oil but also means “fat.” If the perfection of nature is seven, the oil, fat, is more than the natural state of the human being. There were great rabbis and tzaddikim who became physically fat just from the...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Apr 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
When G-d first spoke his name to Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) he realized that G-d had spoken the whole Torah and all of Creation into being in the beginning of time and he could not stand on his two feet at such a profound realization. He knew G-d was the only reality...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Mar 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Your Words are Powerful From Blog: “Fill yourself with G-d’s word and this will guard your Health Completely”~ RS Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Jan 3, 2019 | Blog, Blog, color therapy, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, frequency, Kedusha, Lymphatic Sytem, Torah, Uncategorized
Lymphatic System: Overview photo by Deuteronomy 7:15 ” G-d will remove from you all sickness; and He will not put on you any of the harmful diseases of Egypt which you have known, but He will lay them on all who hate you.” The lymphatic...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Dec 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
BREATHING MEDITATION TECHNIQUE, FROM THE BAAL SHEM TOV גם אם תפלתו תהיה זכה וברורה, בוודאי מן ההבל הקדוש היוצא מפיו יתדבק ויתחבר עם ההבל העליון הדבק אליו ונכנס אליו בתמידות If one’s prayer is clear and pure, then certainly from the holy breath emerging from ones mouth...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Dec 23, 2018 | SAFETY, Uncategorized
Vibrational Energy and Color Therapy Subtle energy is produced by our body’s energy anatomy, also referred to as our subtle anatomy. The body is surrounded by a vibrational field that is commonly referred to as the aura. The aura is an electromagnetic force field that...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Dec 5, 2018 | Blog, Blog, Hemophilia/ VWD, heprin, lovenox, SAFETY, warfarin
It has come to my attention today that Frankincense Boswellia carterii may have a problem with those on blood-thinning medication and not just Hemophiliacs who take blood clotting factor medication, The life saving Factor medications are takenby those who have a...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 24, 2018 | divine smell, Frankincense, frequency, Holy Land, israeli distilled, Kedusha, Mishkan, perfume, SAFETY, Torah, Uncategorized
Man is made in the likeness and image of Divine G-d; therefore, he has inherited creative power. Manifestation occurs because of spiritual laws that release this creative power. What a man clearly imagines, he creates. Genesis 11:6: And the L-RD said, Behold, the...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 20, 2018 | Blog, Deeper Meanings, Israel, Kedusha, Mishkan, SAFETY, Science of smell, Torah
“Water is a liquid computer or fluid computer and you are made of approximately 80% of water some of us are less than others but nonetheless you are made of water. We must respect water because it is a memory holder. Water was there in the very beginning when it...
by Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D, CCMA, HBA | Nov 20, 2018 | Ancient Shemen, Blog, Blog, cloud, Deeper Meanings, divine smell, frequency, Holy Land, Israel, Israel, Israel essential oils, israeli distilled, Kedusha, Mishkan, SAFETY, Science of smell, Torah, Uncategorized
The smallest amount of Faith moves mountains. That tells us how strong our minds are and how powerful faith can be. But it would also be a crime to move a mountain because it was not just dropped there out of nowhere, it grew in that place by various forces from...