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Mint to Be

Mint to Be

Picture copyright 2011 by Rivka sari Wild Mint represented wealth and abundance. Malachi 3:10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the L-rd of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven...

Anger is Considered to be Idol Worship.

סַּעַּכ/ ka’as – ‘Anger’ & Idol-Worshipתלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף קה/ב רַ בִּ י שִּ מְ עֹון בֶּן אֶּ לְעָזָר אֹומֵ ר מִּ ּׁשּום ]חִּ ילְפָא בַר אַ גְ רָ א, שֶּ אָ מַ ר מִּ ּׁשּום[ רַ בִּ י יֹוחָנָן בֶּן)גוריה( ]נּורִּ י[, הַמְ קָרֵ ע בְ גָדָ יו בַחֲמָ תֹו, וְ הַמְ שַ...
The Humble Lowly Violet Flower

The Humble Lowly Violet Flower

(Publish in Torah Herbalist group on Facebook) Today most of us are destined to occupy a lowly place in life and some of us never rise in stature. Our position is like that of the humble violet, not of large towering forest trees. And yet such healing, grace, and...


It is Back!The Sea of Galilee Synergy Blend Made in Israel יָם כִּנֶּרֶת Sea of Galilee Synergy Eseential Oil Blend Kinneret Sea of Galilee 2010 The aroma reminds you of the sweet smell of the fresh-water sea like air overlooking the Kinneret Sea of Galilee as the...

Truth Has an Aroma

Did you know when a couple argues they are causing a stink? If you fight with people you are causing a stink in the world. Yup fighting and all the negative energy and emotions that go with it is stinky buisness to G-d! We all have five senses. One of them is the...
Shofar and Shabbat

Shofar and Shabbat

It has come to my attention that a chorus of voices around the world are orchestrating the same goal in solving the world crisis of environmental destruction. Now with pandemic Governments are saying around the world they will allow people go back to work, but with...


Frequency matched to your emotions determines your connection to the Divine Creator our King and G-d. When performing mitzvot (good deeds) do it with real connection and not just as a servant, but serve with love, peace, joy, and enlightenment. ~Efrat Rivka Sari Ph.D,...

My Paper

Balms, Butters and Salves: A Student Experience Rivka Sari Enjoy this student paper written by Rivka Sari for her Balms, Butters and Salves course completion featuring three beautiful recipes we really wanted to share! Vegan Herbal Salve Made with soothing Chamomile...

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