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G-d made man with three interrelated and interdependent qualities. These three qualities are physical, mental and spiritual. In Deuteronomy 6:5, G-d said “Thou shalt love your God with all thine heart, (mental), and all your soul (spiritual), and with all your might (physical).”
When we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, our body comes to our rescue. If the challenge goes into overdrive to meet our needs, the danger then changes from outside of us to within. You develop adrenal fatigue. All your strength has been zapped.

When I talk about strength in Adrenals, I am referring to emotional strength, too. The Adrenals react strongly to unhealthy mental and emotional conditions, such as jealousy, hate, fear, as well as struggles of success, power, or position. Strong emotions cause the adrenals to release extra reserves of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). And, because the production of these hormones requires a lot of nutrients, including B vitamins and magnesium, excessive emotional demands will exhaust the adrenals. Your lower back can be affected, too.

Adrenal exhaustion usually suggests that there are long-standing life problems in need of resolution. A deeply spiritual issue is afoot and causing serious havoc. These issues will loom all the larger when seen with the no-nonsense mental clarity of perimenopause. Not only will adrenal exhaustion make the transition needlessly unpleasant, it also can deprive a woman of the resources she needs to address those issues and to take full advantage of the creative promise of the second half of her life.

This need not be the case! The solution is to remind yourself there is an endless source of strength available to you and that strength is complete trust in G-d. Tap into the power of that wonderful relationship and shore up your inner strength with this beautiful affirmation from the Tehillim of the Bible:

The L-RD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalms 28:7

If you persistently affirm the strength available to you and invision that strength to your adrenals, the power of your mind and body will be activated. Your Body’s Temple will be in full service to heal.

Use a powerful blend of essential oils while praying and meditation. This is formulated to assist you in prayer to help strengthen your adrenal system.

Kazak ®™ Synergy- Strength Adrenal Blend
Now comes in a blue bottle!
Formulated to help strengthen adrenals, circulation, strengthen the heart and support the overall endocrine and nervous systems. It is beneficial to use during flu and cold season, quiet coughs, help relieve cold congestion, sore throat, headache, muscular aches and pains, stomach cramps, flatulence, and intestinal spasms. It acts as an all around maintenance oil for relieving anxiety, nervousness, depression, listlessness, promotes physical energy and refreshes an exhausted and tired mind.
Contains: Basil, Bergamot, Cardamom, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Ginger Root, Frankincense, Sweet Basil, Lavender, Pine Needle, Rosemary, Black Spruce, Tulsi – Holy Basil.
Emotional Influence: Formulated to inspire motivation, strength, give kavanna concentration and heighten spiritual awareness.

Formulated and was inspired by the teachings of Marlene Mitchell ‘OBM on adrenal care in Aromatherapy CCMA program -ICAI

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