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A Brain Wave of Thought
The only kind of fat we should have. The word Shemen means oil but also means “fat.” If the perfection of nature is seven, the oil, fat, is more than the natural state of the human being. There were great rabbis and tzaddikim who became physically fat just from the...Breath of All Life
When G-d first spoke his name to Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses) he realized that G-d had spoken the whole Torah and all of Creation into being in the beginning of time and he could not stand on his two feet at such a profound realization. He knew G-d was the only reality...The Power of Words
Your Words are Powerful From Blog: “Fill yourself with G-d’s word and this will guard your Health Completely”~ RS Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will...The Spiritual Connection Of Our Body Balance Lymphatic Sytem.
Lymphatic System: Overview photo by Deuteronomy 7:15 ” G-d will remove from you all sickness; and He will not put on you any of the harmful diseases of Egypt which you have known, but He will lay them on all who hate you.” The lymphatic...BREATHING MEDITATION TECHNIQUE, FROM THE BAAL SHEM TOV
BREATHING MEDITATION TECHNIQUE, FROM THE BAAL SHEM TOV גם אם תפלתו תהיה זכה וברורה, בוודאי מן ההבל הקדוש היוצא מפיו יתדבק ויתחבר עם ההבל העליון הדבק אליו ונכנס אליו בתמידות If one’s prayer is clear and pure, then certainly from the holy breath emerging from ones mouth...Vibrational Energy and Color Therapy
Vibrational Energy and Color Therapy Subtle energy is produced by our body’s energy anatomy, also referred to as our subtle anatomy. The body is surrounded by a vibrational field that is commonly referred to as the aura. The aura is an electromagnetic force field that...Prayer Is the Art of Manifesting
Man is made in the likeness and image of Divine G-d; therefore, he has inherited creative power. Manifestation occurs because of spiritual laws that release this creative power. What a man clearly imagines, he creates. Genesis 11:6: And the L-RD said, Behold, the...Emuna Our Faith in G-d
The smallest amount of Faith moves mountains. That tells us how strong our minds are and how powerful faith can be. But it would also be a crime to move a mountain because it was not just dropped there out of nowhere, it grew in that place by various forces from...Guard Your Words
G-d is not everywhere he is where we let him in. He will not force His presence in your life. The invitation is by your prayers and blessings and accepting his Torah and Mitzvos. This is what it means to have G-d in your Life. A blessing is experiencing G-d’s...Rahab A Pious Woman of Convictions and Deep Faith
Rahab Watercolor Copyright and Created Artwork By Neshama Sari Pinchas and Caleb readily pledged themselves to remember Rahab and her household, and as a token and sign, they asked her to tie a scarlet garment or thread in her window so that it could be clearly seen...Proper Testing of Essential Oils and Hemophilia Clients. Written by Rivka Sari ©2012 This is the most important information that Aromatherapist must know.
Proper Testing of Essential Oils and Hemophilia Clients Written by Rivka Sari ©2012 – Written Homework assignment for Tiferet Aromatherapy Course Study with Avraham Sand based on his work on Fragrance Testing. Also based on the work of Professor Tim Jacob, head...Moshiach’s right to serve the Ketoret in the Third Temple
This was the incense commanded to be burned in the Holy of Holies by Aaron the high priest of Israel the Kohen Gadol. It was comprised of 11 dry raw ingredients and had to be painstakingly made in a specific order. It was made with the musical, numeric and highest...Protected: Bible Botanicals-This list is Copyright ©1997 by Rivka Sari For students only access
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Smell Frequency, Is your Nose Listening?
Smell Frequency, Is your Nose Listening? Photo from Our noses are not smelling chemical molecules, our noses are listening to their frequency. Which is why cyanide and almonds smell the same. Both smell molecule have the same frequency or wave...Who was Ruth really? What does the Torah really reveal about Ruth?
Who was Ruth really? What does the Torah really reveal about Ruth? Copyright (c) 2017 Ruth Painting By Neshama Raquel Sari Ruth could not be a Moabite because she was the great grandmother of King David. King David was the third generation from Ruth and Boaz. Moabites...Shavuot and Dairy
Work before eating, rest after eating. Eat not ravenously, filling the mouth gulp after gulp without breathing space.” Maimonidies (1135-1204) Shavuot Dairy or Not? Published May 17, 2010 Chana Rubin RD A nutritious diet and plenty of exercise while...Protected: Bible Oils and Botanical Hidden Meanings
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