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The smallest amount of Faith moves mountains. That tells us how strong our minds are and how powerful faith can be. But it would also be a crime to move a mountain because it was not just dropped there out of nowhere, it grew in that place by various forces from elements in a particular way to help produce it and for it to spring up in that very spot.

Your life is entirely your making. Man is the only one of G-d’s creation that is given free will to shape their own life. Everything else in creation has to follow the laws of nature that G-d set forth. Man has a choice to shape their lives to G-d will or to their own will. We have more power given to us by our Creator.

Our thoughts manifest our reality. If those thoughts are negative these thoughts are not in G-d’s will for us and in turn, we begin to experience His blessing as a curse when we are out of balance to His will.

If you live your life foolishly then you cannot avoid disaster. G-d forbid If someone jumps off the mountain, it might feel good and may feel like you are flying until you hit the ground. This is what it means to say Ignorance is bliss. This is dangerous. Man will perish with lack of knowledge of G-d. Looking for freedom from G-d might make a person feel good briefly, but eventually, they will be underground because of that decision and it will be too late.

-Rivka Sari 2001

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