True love Marriage of G-d and Israel -Rashi teaches us that Yitro’s life was changed forever and became obsessed with being part of the Israelites because of 2 events. a) splitting of the sea- b) the battle of Israel against Amalek-Israel fighting Amalek proved they had weapons! So why didn’t they fight the Egyptians? Why did Hashem have to part the sea and save them? We know in the Midrash it teaches us that the Sea recognized Israel by their smell. G-d told the sea “that when time comes you must recognize the smell of this Nation who are my people that has my fragrance (ketoret) upon them and you are to split only for them and allow them to pass.”
Love is the intense desire to completely self-sacrifice and put your soul on the line for the object of your love—the answer is Egyptians threatened to wipe out the Jewish people and not their G-d! So Hashem stood up changed the laws of nature out of pure love to save His people
On the other hand Amalek’s war was against the G-d of Israel so out of pure love Israel stood up to sanctify His Holy Name. This is true pure Love the willingness to give oneself completely to and for the object of one’s love without any consideration to the consequences to self. May we all find our true love and may it be our Creator first who will, in turn, show you your bashert (mate) on this Earth we all call home.
Am Yisroel Chai