Picture taken 2010 Israel By: ERS
How often do we walk past plants and not give it another thought that they are a living, breathing organism let alone that they are communicating to other plants and insects! Nature truly is amazing ! One of the most important points that I like to get my students to understand is that healing plants are smarter and adapt each year to the conditions in the environments. It’s like the healing plants know how to grow and adapt to the virus’ that’s going around that year. This is what I mean by intelligence.
Depending on each season the healing plants adapt and get smarter. so the oil’s chemistry is the same but some of the components may get stronger. A example of Synthetic medicines like antibiotics that might work once and never work again and people get sicker, healing plants have the ability to adapt to even the person’s changing condition using the healing plant in any form anywhere using a pure concentrated essential oil, to a tincture, to a infusion oil blend. The healing plants seems to have a mind of it’s own.
When an animal is faced with a threat, it will typically move away to a less-threatening location. Plants, being non-mobile, do not have this option and so have developed highly complex mechanisms for sensing and responding to their environment, including to touch (by humans, wind and other forces). According to the Journal of Experimental data of plants Examples of challenges related to mechanical force include wind, physical barriers, and predation. Initially, plants have to sense these stimuli and subsequently launch appropriate responses by either avoiding obstacles, clinging to supporting structures, or producing toxic chemicals to fend off herbivorous predators.
It is now known in the science of Botany, for instance, that some plants grow shorter and slower when they are touched several times a day. The growth response is due to a plant hormone that also protects plants from infections, and which is increased when plants are touched.
A Rice University press release explained When [plant hormone] jasmonate levels go up, the plant increases production of metabolites that give herbivores an upset stomach. Jasmonate defenses, which also protect against some fungal infections, are employed by virtually all plants, including tomatoes, rice and corn.
The study provides the first evidence that these defenses are triggered when plants are touched, Imagine what happens when we are being touched by the plant instead giving a upset stomach it is actually healing a upset stomach when rubbed into our tummy area.
The study was published in the journal Oecologia and involved recording plant responses to vibrational sounds by placing reflective tape on a leaf. Using a laser beam, they were able to measure the leaf’s response when a caterpillar chewed on it. They also played a recording of the near-inaudible vibrational sound of a caterpillar chewing, and interestingly enough, plants that had been previously exposed to these feeding sounds released higher amounts of chemicals that deters bugs.
Even more interesting, these phytochemicals are also what give a plant many of its medicinal qualities, such as glucosinolates, which have anti-cancer properties, and other antioxidants. When a plant has increased levels of these chemicals, insects will not feed on it. Plants are made to bring healing to the people, but yet keep away those bugs that threatens it’s very survival and sometimes it’s life and as for those bug viruses that threaten our health they do not stand a chance. How awesome is that?
Insects and weeds also have their place. They only really reach pest status when the balance is shifted in such a way that they’re able to get the upper hand. Otherwise, insects actually serve a very important role as nature’s garbage collectors. Thanks to their specialized digestive systems, they remove that which is not fit for us to eat things we cannot digest.
Once you start to connect all these dots, you begin to understand the depth of nature’s intelligence, which always strives to maintain balance. This balance is what leads to healthy soils, healthy plants, a healthy environment, and, ultimately, healthy bodies. You are beautifully plugged into this system. We, as caretakers of the earth, have the free will to either protect and nurture it or destroy it. The fact that if we choose to poison the earth, we poison ourselves.
Imagine the healing a plant is when it come from the Holy Land? Why Essential oils from Israel? Because when you use Israeli oils that are distilled, produced, or grown in Israel you are allowing the essence and frequency of vibrations of the Land of Israel to be taken into your body.
How to create shemen (oil) to be a light in this world? Essential oils will represent one’s potential to awaken from the deepest slumbers of the gulus (exile). Just plant it and in emuna (faith) it will grow. Essential oils and other products grown, made, or produced in Israel are the best essential oils in the world. As far as essential oils go, in our opinion the plants that are grown or even, just, distilled in Israel have a more vibrant energy frequencies and vitality than any other oils.
When a plant grows in a particular environment, the plant takes all its nutrition from the soil as well the characteristics of the Land. When you buy an oil from Israel, you are receiving the actual essence of the Land in the oil. Whenever you use our oils you will always be putting a bit of Israel on your skin. Just think when you diffuse Israeli oils you are bringing that aroma into the air of your living space which is like being in the Holy Land of Israel.
Jewish Sages says that Israel is described as the lover in Song of Songs which says that the perfumes of his spouse surpass the most excellent odors: How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume more than any spice! Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon. You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain. Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits, with henna and nard, nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with every kind of incense tree, with myrrh and aloes and all the finest spices (Song of Songs 4:10-14).
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