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Sages teach us that every tear that the children of Israel shed is the oil that anoints the head of the Messiah and rebuilds the Holy Temple. “And the high priest, upon whose head the anointing oil was poured”—Leviticus 21:10 We are commanded to have an anointing oil, made of a special recipe [detailed in the Torah], ready to be used for anointing newly appointed high priests and most of all the Moshiach.

Some kings are also anointed with this oil. The anointing oil of Aaron, the High Priest, alludes to the mystical dimension of the holy oil in the Celestial Region of the Heavens, which have their roots in the sefira of bina the region of the tree of life. In the book Pardes Rimonim, the concept of “oil” is described as follows: There are many different kinds of oil that flow from the tree of life. This tree has an aroma that can penetrate even the bones to give everlasting life.  See Enoch chapter 24 it says clearly in verse 10 “Then shall they greatly rejoice and exult in the Holy One. The sweet odor shall enter into their bones; and they shall live a long life on the earth, as thy forefathers have lived; neither in their days shall sorrow, distress, trouble, and punishment afflict them.”

When this oil originates in tiferet “splendor, beauty”, however, it is called “oil for lighting”. The Shechinah employs this light when shining. Much like women who light Shabbos candles or Priest lighting the Temple Menorah

When it originates in gevura “strength”, oil is called “holy oil of anointing”. The word “holy” kadosh is a hint of the gevura, whereas the word for “of anointing” alludes to chesed (kindness)

When the source of the oil is the yesod “foundation”, it is called “pounded oil”.  This is the domain in which the olives (representing abundance from “above”) are pounded into fragments from which the oil is extracted and, in turn, sent to malchut ” shekinah/ kingdom”. Two different stages of “pounding”, are required to produce the required type of oil for the menorah.

When human beings mate the process is one of “pounding”, as is well known. This process eventually results in the formation of a new life, a baby. When the parallel process occurs in the Celestial Regions of G-d’s Kingdom, the result is the abundance we enjoy at the hands of G-d. This is equivalent to “refreshing oil” (see Psalms 92:11) because bina is known as the region of “freshness” [in Hebrew, “raanan“, flourishing and freshness].

The bina is also known as the seat of G-d’s name Eh-yeh (spelled alef, hei, yod, hei) which means “to exist, be in existence”. We find this word repeated in “Exodus (3:14) where G-d refers to the abundance He will supply. When you apply the system of exchanging letters in the alphabet known as Atbash to the word for “oil”, “shemen” [spelled shin, mem, nun], the result is the letters beit, yod, tet, which spell the word  Biyt ביט that means “tub, basin, seat, between, center between the heart and the kidneys. The word biyteen (bet yod, tet, nun sofit) which means the stomach that is located between the heart and kidneys. Biyt root word is Bey (bet,yod) that means “between, among, in the midst of (with other preps), from between”. This word Biyt is equal to the numerical value for the name Eh-yeh translates as “I shall be” its numerical value is 21. The word Biyt (bet, yod, tet) is not to be mistaken for the word Bet/Beth (bet, yod,tav) which means house.

When Israel cries tears divinely those tears are used by G-d to anoint the head of Moshiach. Who will, in turn, brings us out of Gulus (Exile).

Messiah will judge and know his people by smell

Isaiah 11 says “And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

And the spirit of Adonai shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Adonai. 

And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of Adonai: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.

Question is what is your aroma? Rebbe Nachman thus taught: Mashiach’s main weapon is prayer judgment by the sense of smell” Messiah will know what you are hiding. When G-d is building his Holy Temple it will not be physical it will be spiritual. You are a miniature Temple that is to be anointed with his shemen of your most inward part your neshama and His words of Torah must be found written within you.

“In building the Temple, only blocks dressed at the quarry were used, and no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the Temple site while it was being built.” 1King 6:7. Sages tell us that the stones dressed in the quarry are the stones of G-d’s people that will make up the Holy Temple G-d is building within us. “Living Stones/Blocks”. 

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am G-d.” nad it says “But Adonai is in His holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him.” (Habakkuk 2:20). 

G-d is building that Holy Temple silently without hammers and nails, but first those (living) stones must endure the pain of the quarry where all sin is chiseled away and create a stone of יָטַב  yatab which means “bring in the new, clean, good and pleasing”  which is a clean stone to build the Holy Temple. Notice the word yatab יָטַב has the same letter as the word Biyt ביט the letters are rearranged.

 יָטַב  yatab

  ביט biyt  

Biyt ביט that means “tub, basin, judgement seat, between, center between the heart and the kidneys. The word biyteen (bet yod, tet, nun sofit) which means the stomach that is located between the heart and kidneys.

 Yatab  יָטַב  which means “bring in the new, clean, good and pleasing” 


The quarry is the seat of judgment much like the story of Jonah in the belly of the whale and  he comes out of the whale a man willing to be G-d’s servant. We are going through judgment now in this time and history. In a spiritual sense, it is the time  of Yom Kippor. it is not an accident that we read on Yom Kippor the story of Jonah in Synagogue. This is the story of G-d’s people and the building of His Holy Temple within. 

“This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares Adonai. “I will put my law in their minds and write in on their hearts” (Jeremiah 31:31)


Shemen Tov Mishpacha!




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