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Colors Meanings and Gemstones

Picture is of Judaica Twelve Stones and Sheet purchased in jerusalem ISRAEL

  • Red: Truth, blood-life force, redemption, forgiveness, humble, fervent love, fire, courage, boldness
    Red stones
    : carnelian, garnet, ruby, coral, red jasper,carbuncle

    • Yellow/Gold
    : Divine nature, glory, faith, anointing, oil -shemen, light

       Yellow stones: topaz, amber, citrine, gold

    • Green:
    healing, life-chayim chai,, growth, fresh, flourishing, prosperity, abundant

       Green stones: emerald, chrysoprase, peridot, jade, malachite, turquoise• Blue: heaven, revelation, high priest, ten commandments tablets, laws, throne, peace -shalom
       Blue stones: lapis lazuli, aquamiarine, chalcedony, sapphire, azurite malachite, turquoise

    • Purple:
    Royalty, kingship, majesty, grace, miracles, balance, 
    Purple stones
    : amethyst and purple jade

    • Black
    Power, judgement, trust, authority
    Black Stones:
    onyx, sardonyx, black obsidian

    • Brown:
    Earthen vessels, humility, wisdom, strength

       Brown stones: topaz, amber, agate, chalcedony and cat’s eye

    • White:
    Purity, righteousness, holiness, Bride and Groom

       White stones: jade, chalcedony, opal, alabaster, marble, mother of pearl

    • Silver:
    Redeem, refining process, tshuva-return, set right, forgive

       Silver stones: silver, granite, sodalite• Iridescent: Promise, blessings, abundance, chesed-kindness
    Iridescent stones: opal and mother of pearl, white pearl.

    • Pink
    : Joy, love, eternity

       Pink stones: rose quartz• Clear: transparent, pure, clean, new
    Clear stones: quartz crystal, flourite,

Stones in the Bible Texts

Agate-Exodus 28:19 and 39:12, Ezekiel 28:13, Ezekiel 27:16
Coral-Job 28:18, Ezekiel 27:16, Job 28:12 – 13, 18,
Peridot- Exodus 28:17, Ezekiel 28:13,
Amethyst- Exodus 28:19 and 39:12,
Diamonds- Jeremiah 17:1, Exodus 28:18 ; 39:11, Ezekiel 28:13
Red Garnet-Exodus 28:18,Ezekiel 28:13, Isaiah 54:12
Beryl-Exodus 28:20, 39:13, Song of Solomon 5:14, Ezekiel 1:16, 10:9 and Daniel 10:6.
Emeralds-Exodus 28:17, 39:10, Ezekiel 28:13
Rock Crystal-Exodus 28:18
Carbuncle- Exodus 28:18,Ezekiel 28:13, Isaiah 54:12, Exodus 39:12
Jacinth-Exodus 28:19, Exodus 39:12, Ezekiel 28:13, Isaiah 54:12
Rubies-Isaiah 54:12, Ezekiel 28:13-16, Job 28:18
Carnelian-Exodus 28:17, Ezekiel 28:13, Isaiah 54:12
Jasper-Exodus 28:20, Ezekiel 28:13
Sapphire- Ezekiel 28:13, Exodus 28:18, Isaiah 54:11, Exodus 24:10
Chalcedony- Exodus 28:17 – 20, Ezekiel 28:13
Lapis Lazuli- Exodus 28:18, Ezekiel 28:13, Isaiah 54:11, Exodus 24:10
Sardonyx- Exodus 28:20, Ezekiel 28:13,Genesis 2:11, 1Chronicles 29:1 – 2
Chrysolite- Exodus 28:17 – 21, Exodus 39:10 – 13, Ezekiel 28:13,
Onyx- Exodus 28:20, Ezekiel 28:13,Genesis 2:11, 1Chronicles 29:1 – 2
Topaz- Exodus 28:17, Ezekiel 28:13, Job 28:19
Chrysoprase- Exodus 28:17 – 21,  Exodus 39:10 – 13, Ezekiel 28:13
Pearls- Job 28:18, Ezekiel 27:16, Job 28:12 – 13, 18
Turquoise-Exodus 28:18, Exodus 39:11, 1 Chronicles 29:2, Isaiah 54:11, Ezekiel 27:16, Ezekiel 28:13
Gems in High Priest’s Breastplate- Exodus 28:1-43

There is some uncertainty as to which gemstones were truly used on the breastplate. One things that is certain that these stones together was very powerful so powerful that it has been hidden until the arrival of Moshiach (Messiah). We know the healing power of one stone imagine what twelve can do.


**Gemstones that disperses negative energy, prevents ayin hara, and acts as EMF protective sheild**  

Top Recommended Gemstones: Black Tourmaline, Turquoise, Jet, or Black Obsidian and Turquoise.
Additional Recommendations: Carnelian, Red Jasper, Malachite, Sardonyx, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Pyrite, Amber, Chyastolite, Smoky Quartz, Tiger’s Eye.

Gemstone Rollers
Color Therapy Blends
Tribes Gemstone Therapy Blends
Sefirot Pitum HaKetoret Blends Full set 11 Essential Oil Blends with Chart and Gemstones
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