Holy Rope (Hemp Agrimony)
High QualityMaceration Essential Oil
Also known as Alpenkraut, Cañamazo, Cáñamo Acuático, Cannabine, Chanvre d’Eau.
Eupatorium cannabinum
Flowers and tender leaves
Hebrew: גדותן הביצות ,אבפטוריון הביצות
Known as Holy Rope, and Common Hemp-Agrimony,
Scientific name: Eupatorium cannabinum L.
Common name: Common Hemp-Agrimony
Hebrew name: גדותן הביצות ,אבפטוריון הביצות
Plant Family: Compositae / Asteraceae, מורכבים
Flowering Period: July, August, September, October
Distribution: Mediterranean Woodlands and Shrublands, Deserts and extreme deserts
Used to stop bleeding, and respiratory issues. Use with caution in tiny amounts and with proper dilution.