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Negev Wild Chamomile 2.5ml High Quailty Essential Oil קחוון הנגב Artisan Distilled


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Negev Wild Chamomile קחוון הנגב 

High-Quality Essential Oil

2.5ml poured into a 5ml bottle


A rtisan distilled Anthemis melampodina x Omensis multicaulis flowers

Also known as Ormensis mixta, Chamaemelum mixtum, Anthemis mixta, Ormensis palestina, or Anthemis palestina 

Artisan Distilled




Gathered a wild mix of Chamomile flowers from Negev Desert, Netanya and the Golan Height regions of the Holy Land.

In the Bible Chamomile flowers has a primary place among the ‘flowers of the field’ (tzitz ha-sadeh), used as a symbol of short-living creatures. The Hebrew term Tzitzit, ציצית (tassels) may be derived from the phrase tzitz ha-sadeh, flowers of the field.

When a person wears and gazes at his Tzitzit (Numbers 15:37-39), he understands that they represent his function to be motzi min ha’koach el ha’poel , “maximize his potential” in order to realize his duty and calling in life.

Aroma Sweet green notes with herbaceous tart apple, and sweet chamomile notes. The color is yellow to green in color, each batch is different.

This species grows along beside other chamomile species all over Israel. These Chamomile flowers are native to Israel, Egypt, and Jordon, Northern Iran, however, can be found in mainly Morocco known as Moroccan Wild Chamomile, and some areas of Turkey. These flowers can produce a green-blue to yellow liquid when distilled.

Relaxing, reduce stress and tension, calms nerves, relaxes  muscle, reduce pain and lowers blood pressure when combined with ylang-ylang, frankincense lemon balm, and lemongrass. Excellent with Sandalwood and other chamomile species.


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