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I learned something really profound in my Studies of Torah Aromatherapy. The Jewish Sages tell us that when the Torah was given the Ketoret was the fragrance that was given also to the world it was the scent of the heavens where Hashem dwells. When Moshiach comes we will recognize him because he will bring all our relative that have passed on back to life through releasing this heavenly scent of the ketoret from the heavens back into the world.

Rabbi Avraham Sand says “The Hebrew word “Bisamim” (Spices) has the same letters in the same order as the word “BaShamayim” (in Heaven). As the 10 Commandments were proclaimed from heaven, a fragrance came into the World, the fragrance of the Temple Incense spice mixture, which has Power over Death. This reveals why all of the people returned to Life, and it happened twice, as the First and Second Commandments were proclaimed. Each time folks left their bodies, but then were revived and came back to life again, thanks to the heavenly Spice fragrance of the Incense. “

Ketoret is the acronym for Kedusha-Holiness, Tahara-Purity, Rachamim- Compassion, Tikva-Hope. The aroma of Ketoret recalls the essence of the Garden before creation of man existed when it was pure and completely free of sin and rebellion. The Ketoret is meant to unite our Bodies and souls with the service to G-d in holiness, purity, compassion, and hope. Ketoret is protection and is what kept Israel safe in the Bamidbar (desert)

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