Sukkot Beard Balm
Anoint your beard with Sukkot beard oil and beard balm and plug into the Aromas of this Special festival of Thanksgiving and Joy!
Sukkot is a festive and fragrant holiday celebrating the fall harvest and we try to capture the unique smells of this holiday in our scent blend.
Sukkot is a festive holiday because for eight days people dwell in a temporary hut outside called a Sukkah.
Sukkot is a fragrant holiday because one of the rituals of Sukkot includes fulfilling a Biblical/Torah commandment to gather four plants, and bundle them together, to wave them in six directions. We sit in these temporary booths called a sukkah to express gratitude and thanksgiving with Joy to our Almighty Creator above.
These four plants are the etrog (a citron fruit), branches of hadas (myrtle), branches of aravot (willow) and a lulav (a closed palm frond). Both the Etrog and Hadas are very aromatic plants. The Etrog, also known as a citron fruit, smells similar to a lemon but is a little bit sweeter, and myrtle also has an incredibly fresh, green, and masculine aroma.
These 4 species are held together while waving for the Unity of the Name. Each of the species is a hint or allusion to God, according to a Midrash found in Leviticus Rabbah, 83
Etrog — because it is written (Psalms 104: 1): ‘You are clothed in glory and majesty.’ (The word translated as majesty is hadar. In the Torah (Leviticus 23:40), the etrog is called the fruit of the goodly tree. The same Hebrew word, hadar, is used in that context to mean goodly.)
Palm — because it is written (Psalms 92:13): ‘The righteous bloom like a date palm.’
Myrtle — because it is written (Zechariah 1:8): ‘And he stood among the myrtle-trees.’
Willow — because it is written (Psalms 68:5): ‘Extol Him who rides on the clouds [aravot], the Lord is His name.’
Our Sukkot scent blend includes Etrog Citron, Israeli lemon, and Israeli lemongrass, Israeli lemonbalm to evoke the crisp citrus scent of the etrog, Hadas (Israeli-grown myrtle) and beautiful Israel Desert Prickly Pear oil and Israeli Argan Oil moisturize beard deeply.
So many men have told us as soon as they smell this balm they associate the fragrance with singing, dancing, sitting, eating and learning in the Sukkah, and waving the four species. In Psalm133 King David refers to the ‘goodly oil’ that ‘runs down the beard’ of Aaron the High Priest.
Come experience the Fragrances of Sukkot with Joy!