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Etrog Citron© Face Soap 3.4 oz Made in Israel with Israel Ingredients



Etrog Citron© Face Soap

3.4 oz


Etrog Citron Face Soap moisturizes, softens, as well as clarifies skin, and with its high-quality organic natural ingredients gives a softer and smoother complexion adding sweet citrus and freshness to your skin. This is meant to be used once a day. A little goes a very long way. Form a lather in hands, gently apply to face and massage then rinse pat dry.

Made with Etrog Peel extract infused into Israeli Coconut Oil, Etrog Peel Powder, Etrog Seed oil, Etrog Peel Extract Oil, Etrog Juice Extract, Olive oil, Etrog Essential Oil, Israel Grown and sustainably Produced Desert Date Palm Oil, Fair Trade Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Israeli Grown and Produced Jojoba Oil, Israel Grown and Produced Prickly Pear Seed oil, Israeli Grown and Produced Argan oil, Grounded Fine Raw Organic Oats and Organic Vitamin E. 

Please note “Etrog” only comes from the Holy Land. The using of the Hebrew word Etrog for any other citron oil is not Truly Etrog. It must come from Israel and there is currently only one producer of Etrog Essential Oil and it is Aytzchayim Aroma.

A proprietary formula so ingredients will not be listed on the Label.

 About Etrog Citron

“The Biblical phrase peri eitz hadar (פְּרִי עֵץ הָדָר) usually refers to the etrog in its original Aramaic Biblical name. Grammatically, the Hebrew phrase is ambiguous; it is typically translated as “fruit of a beautiful tree,” but it can also be read as “a beautiful fruit of a tree.” Etrogs are carefully selected for the performance of the Sukkot holiday rituals.” The word Etrog is an Aramaic word we find in the Hebrew Aramaic Targum. Etrog also became a symbol of Israel’s persistence for the right to exist in modern times.

In the writings of Josephus that a priest was pelted with Etrogim in the Temple because he did something that was extremely offensive by taking the water that was meant to cleanse the altar of sacrifice and pouring it on his feet instead, so he was pelted with etrogim and was ran out of the Temple. Why Etrogim? The answer is most likely because it grew in abundance in Israel at that time in the First Century and it was most likely at Sukkot when this occurred when etrogim would have been harvested and used in Temple service.

Soon Etrog becomes the symbol in literature, paintings, etc, to distinguish Jewish people from the Samaritans whom we must not forget separated from Israel to go and do their own form of worship on Mount Gerizim instead. To see conflict read Ezra 4:1-6

Etrog according to the Sephardic pronunciation in Modern Hebrew pronunciation. The Ashkenazi pronunciation and in Yiddish is esrog or esrig which is closer to Aramaic Hebrew pronunciation. The Hebrew word is thought to derive from the Persian name for the fruit, turning, likely borrowed via Aramaic.

The aroma of Citron- Etrog (Hadar) is both a cold-pressed peel and a steam-distilled essential oil from the fruit and peel from Israel and is zesty, refreshing, and smells both sweet and tart as if sweet-tart green lemons were mingled with sweet oranges, mandarins, and tangerines in a citrus orchard. The fragrance of this unique fruit helps to open a closed heart, heals the broken-hearted and grief, and frees the mind from holding guilt.

Traditionally the Etrog is known to strengthen home bring Shalom Bayit of family harmony, may increase fertility and may lessen the pain of childbirth, and skincare, is also used for digestive issues.

The 4 Hebrew letters of the word Etrog stand for Ahava-Alef (Love), Teshuvah- Tav (Repentance), Refuah-Reysh (Healing), and Geulah-Gimel (Redemption). The festival of Pesach (Passover) is exactly 180 degrees opposite the Festival of Sukkot and the Etrog celebration time on the Jewish calendar.

Sages tell us a pregnant woman who eats an Etrog will give birth to a sweet-smelling baby. Talmud relates a story of a certain King whose wife ate Etrogim throughout her entire pregnancy. She gave birth to a child that smelled so sweet that when the King asked his servants to bring him fragrant spices, they brought him his own child and placed his daughter in his arms. Some scholars say that Etrog may have been used as an acid liquid to dye the Tekhelet cords of the Tzitzits and possibly the temple curtains.

Some would argue that the Lulavim is waved, and each of these species has deep symbolism. Each of the four relates to a particular limb through which man is to serve God (cf. Sefer ha-Hinukh, #285):

Etrog refers to the heart, the place of understanding and wisdom.


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