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Ponderosa Pine High Quality Essential Oil 5ml Pinus ponderosa Artisan Distilled from Oregon



Ponderosa Pine Essential Oil
Artisan Steam Distillation
Oregon USA
Limited Supply

Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) is native to Oregon and is highly valued by the local native Americans for medicinal and healing purposes, Native American tribes of Oregon use the sweet inner bark of ponderosa pine as a highly nutritious food source. Much is used raw for chewing gum, baked goods, or used as a food flavoring for beans, potatoes, and meats. This tree can live over 600 years and grow up to over 200 ft. tall in Height. The Oregon Department of Agriculture and State Parks says the Ponderosa Pine tree is the second most abundant growth of trees in the state of Oregon. Highly prized by the locals for its pinecones, resin, and needles for tea.

Ponderosa Pine Essential Oil is Artisan steam-distilled from foliage harvested as well as some of the bark, cones, and resin from trees located on family-owned property in PNW Oregon. It has a fresh, light, sweet honey-like vanilla piney fresh aroma. Bit of an earthy, grounding, and yet uplifting intense strong aroma.

Congestion relief, pain, skincare, skin issues, digestion, and circulation.


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