Midbar Cypress (Desert Cypress) Essential Oil
מדבר ברוש
Nicknames: Mediterranean Cypress , Egyptian cypress, and Negev Desert Cypress. Romans took practically forest of cypress trees from Israel and grew them in Rome and today they grow all over Italy as well.
Spiritual meaning “to grow, to be lean, without fatness or sin.”
Botanical name:
Cupressus sempervirens
Extracted from: Needles and Combs
Origins: Egypt/ Israel/
Harvested, Distilled, and Bottled in Israel
Cypress leaves were used by the ancient Assyrians for treating hemorrhoids, and the Greek physician Galen (AD 165) wrote of its use for diarrhea, internal bleeding, and menstrual disorders.
Many years later, Rabbi Moses Maimonides came to the same conclusion as the Assyrians, Egyptians and Israelites wrote of the cones, ‘These are accounted very drying and binding, good to stop fluxes of all kinds, as sitting of blood, diarrhea, dysentery, the immoderate flux of the menses.’ Chinese medicine considers the seed cones to be beneficial for the liver and respiratory system. Maimonides also agrees.
Cypress is an effective vasoconstrictor, which means it helps to narrow dilated blood vessels such as varicose veins or broken capillaries that appear on the face. Blend it with lemon or bitter orange together with frankincense in a base cream or lotion for this type of application. It also helps to balance oily skin when used in this way. May help stop bleeds.
Cypress essential oil has a diuretic and detoxifying action, therefore when blended and used in massage with other diuretic oils such as juniper berry, sweet fennel, and grapefruit, it is valuable for edema (fluid retention) and cellulite. Use it in massage to ease the pain associated with muscle cramps and spasms, periods, arthritis and rheumatism.
Asthma and spasmodic coughs respond well to cypress oil when vaporized because it acts as a sedative to the respiratory nerve endings and is a decongestant. Likewise, it can help clear blocked sinuses and stuffy noses when you are suffering from a cold with the added bonus that it is an effective antibacterial.
On the emotional system, cypress oil is strengthening and fortifying which helps to facilitate changes in life and bring about transformation, especially to those who are rooted in the past. This makes it an excellent oil to use during menopause as well as the monthly cycle, where it can be helpful with dysmenorrhoea. As you might expect from its historical associations, cypress is an essential oil that assists with the grieving process after bereavement, being both strengthening and relaxing to the mind.
Cypress essential oil is a base note that adds a unique coniferous characteristic to blends and works well with benzoin, bergamot, cedar Virginian, clary sage, fir silver, frankincense, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, mandarin, marjoram sweet, myrrh, orange bitter and sweet, pine, rosemary, sandalwood.
Bible text:
Isaiah 44:14 Surely he cuts cedars for himself, and takes a cypress or an oak and raises it for himself among the trees of the forest. He plants a fir, and the rain makes it grow.
DISCLAIMER: All information appearing on this site is based on traditional aromatherapy and is provided for educational reference purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If you are suffering from any disease you should seek the assistance of a qualified health care professional. Essential oils are powerful and should be treated and used with care and understanding.