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Larch (Tamarack) High-Quality Essential Oil
Larix laricina
Artisan Steam Distilled from Needles, buds, branches/stems
Aroma: Balsamic, Coniferous, Earthy, Piney, Citrus Woody
Top and Middle Notes

In spring, it produces a pretty rosewood-colored pine cone (named “cocotte” in Quebec). In the fall the needles turn yellow-gold. It facilitates the big changes in our lives and invites us to renew and to regain self-confidence in ourselves and transform. Rare one in the market of Essential Oils and I have to say I very much like working with this oil, it truly reminds me so much of our Blue Idaho Spruce but with golden lights of citrus spice that zings. Wow!

Winter Wellness: May protect your family’s immunity when something or the sniffles is circulating around. Diffuse larch tamarack oil to fortify health and purify the air. Allergy Season: When pollen and other irritants come around, use a larch tamarack inhaler to support natural, healthy breathing. Muscle Spasms: Soothe tenderness brought about by spastic coughing—make a topical throat care oil with larch tamarack diluted in jojoba oil.

Larch tamarack essential oil is ideal for inhalation, topical blends, and cleaning. Use it for the breath, chest, head, muscles, joints, immune support, reducing germs, feeling energized, and for refreshing your spirit and ushering in renewal after challenging times.

Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-oxidant, Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-viral, Decongestant, Expectorant, Immuno-stimulant, Mucolytic, Tonic

Constituents: Esters, Monoterpenes

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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