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Judean Sidr Jujube Leaf Oil 15ml


Zizyphus jujuba


Limited Supply

This carrier oil is made with the gathering of  leaves and twigs are gathered and placed to infused into Fractionated Coconut Oil. The leaves and twigs are replaced every 30 days until a full 120 days are counted before straining. The oil has a hint of the sweet date fruit with a light peppery scent with spice leafy green notes. Color is yellow green to green in color.

The Sidr leaves, which are rich in calcium, iron, and magnesium, have a therapeutic effect that fights many health conditions. Their strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are used in the making of natural wound disinfectants while the oil extracted from the resin is used for deodorants.

Moreover, the leaves are strong components of a herbal shampoo that treats dandruff as well as head lice. As an anti-inflammatory agent, the Sidr leaves soothe swollen eyes, abscesses, furuncles and, on the other hand, combat obesity as well. Even when the Sidr tree is turned into ashes, it is a health benefactor which is used in the treatment of snakebites.

In the Middle East, this shrub grows everywhere in Israel and the Middle Eastern regions and is called Sidr and is most is commonly found in the Jordan Valley and all around Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, as well as in the Hajar Mountains of the United Arab Emirates. In Israel the fruit is collected to create many skincare products, but also is enjoyed in the local Israeli cuisine using the red or white date fruits the tree.

In Arabic-speaking world the jujube and alternatively the species Z. lotus are closely related to the lote-trees (sing. “sidrah”, pl. “sidr”), while in Israel it is rather both the species the Judean Z. jujuba and Z. spina-christi that is called sidr.

Interesting to know that an ancient jujube tree in the city Al-Qurnah, Iraq, is claimed by the locals as the Tree of Knowledge mentioned in the Bible in the book of Genesis. Local tradition holds that the place where the city was built was the original site of the Garden of Eden (a passage in the Book of Genesis says that a river flowed from the garden and split into Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where is the city currently located. As we know from the Biblical account no one will pass to access the Tree of Life however, this tree in the city is a big tourist spot.

The secret of the ancient Sidr lies in the story of the wondrous ancient Sidr tree, also known as Lote tree in the arab world,  Christian Israelis call it Christ’s Thorn tree, Jewish Israelis in general call it Jujube, Sidr tree, or Nabkh tree. Locals have been using all of the parts of this tree to treat different types of health obstructions. this tree is a favorite for its honey in places like Yemen, Jordon and Israel.

Perfect for a massage oil for sore muscles and joints, digestion tummy rub, excellant skin care oil for serums, a perfect carrier oil for your favorite essential oils and blends, and rub back of neck and behind knees for a good night’s sleep when you add a few drops of our LayLa Tov blend. Great for helping with hair growth and strength. See link reference below.

See Our Cold Pressed Sidr Seed and Maceration Essential Oil Here

Biblical Inspiration:

The Promised Land to the Israelites was described as “a land flowing with milk and honey” as a sign of its abundance and prosperity. [Exodus 3:6-8]  

During the 40 years that the Children of Israel wandered in the desert, they were nourished from the heavens by food like a pastry fried in honey. They called it manna:

“The people of Israel called the bread manna. It was white like coriander seed and tasted like wafers made with honey.” [Exodus 16:31]. There is some commentary in the Talmud that state it was desert Sidr trees that provided this manna 

The eyesight of Jonathan, the son of King Saul, improved after he ate raw sidr date honey

“…he reached out the end of the staff that was in his hand and dipped it into the honeycomb. He raised his hand to his mouth, and his eyes brightened.” [I Samuel 14:27]

The Book of Proverbs extols the benefits of raw honey possibly from the sidr tree.



Hair growth-promoting effect of Zizyphus jujuba essential oil – ScienceDirect


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