Ivrit Geula Medicine Essential Oil Blend
Each Hebrew letter corresponds to each part of the Human Body and its Sound Frequency. Each Blend is infused with sound frequency. For example Alef blend is intoduce to the music sound of 852 Hz is “La” on the musical scale. 852 Hz is the highest of the original frequency notes. It enables us to connect with our higher power, G-d, the ever-present Spirit and Creator of the universe. It is a realigning frequency to reconnects us with the universe and to the Holy One Our G-d.
The human body is the physical element in a complex and ultimately spiritual being. The human body is not simply the housing for the spiritual essence of our identity, it is part of the combination of human beings, a being who will ultimately exist in greater spiritual form in the world to come, after the resurrection. Why not focus on the here and now? Why not restore the Holy Temple within that G-d made you?
For when the world to come begins, and we stand up at the resurrection, we will stand up with combined body and soul, though both will be raised to a much higher spiritual level than at which we stand today. Right now you are living in a Holy Temple. The human body is ultimately connected to the Holy Temple and functions as such in the current reality during our lifespan and must be cared for with understanding that our bodies are in essence a miniature Holy Temple.
The care we must take is the care to live a good healthy long life. So come explore Geula Medicine. Each blend is formulated to correspond to each part of the human body of organs, systems, and functions. Each Part has its own frequency of energy. These blends are intended to assist in repairing and restoring your overall body to optimal health and frequency. These must be accompanied by proper diet, exercise as well.
Ingredients are “Proprietary Blends” that are carefully blended high-quality organic essential oil with a touch of some selected high-quality organic carrier oils. Each bottle comes with its own standard euro drop reducer top and can be used immediately without dilution. If you would like a roller top instead of on your essential oil bottle please choose the drop-down menu
Biblical Inspiration Psalms 119, the whole Book of Genesis, and Exodus Chapters 25-32. Jewish Sources The B’nei Yissoschor quotes the Sefer Yetzira in the first chapter for each month and explains the connection between the month, organs, and Hebrew letter.
Your choice (Not all are pictured in listing)
- Aleph – Brain Nervous System (Energy) -Crown Violet/Purple-852 Hz
- Bet – Temple Whole Body DNA/Melatonin-Crown Violet Purple-852Hz
- Gimel – Feet/ Limbs- Red-396-417Hz
- Daled – Heart/Chest-Soul- Green-528Hz
- Hei – Lungs/ Nose/ Respiratory System, Thyroid- Purple/Blue and Green–613-639Hz
- Vav – Pancreas (Hormones/Glucose) Central Nervous System-Yellow-396Hz
- Zayin -Spleen/Galbladder/Adreinals-Orange-432 Hz
- Ches – Immune System-Green-528Hz
- Tes – Intestines/Gut Flora (Small and Large Intestines)- Green/Yellow/Orange-396-528Hz
- Yod – Hands (Praise) Muscles (Deeds)-Red– 396-417Hz
- Kof/Kof Sofit -Liver (Letting Go)-Yellow-396Hz
- Lamed – Lymphatic System/ Thymus/Emotions- Green-528Hz
- Mem/Mem Sofit –Kidneys/Bowels (Water /Tshuva)-Orange-432-528Hz
- Nun/Nun Sofit -Womb (Fertility) Stomach- Yellow/Orange-396-432Hz
- Samech – Ears (Balance to Align)- Indigo-639Hz
- Ayin – Eyes/ Spiritual Eye, Pituitary Gland, Sinuses-Indigo-613-639Hz
- Pei/Fei/ Fei Sofit – Mouth/Throat- Blue-741Hz
- Tzadi/Tzadi Sofit – Sex Organs (Desires)- Orange/Red-396-432Hz
- Kuf/Quf – Digestive Tract and Skin-Yellow-396Hz
- Reysh/Reish – Head/Mind- Crown Purple/Violet -852Hz
- Shin/Sien – Teeth/Bones-Blue -741Hz Also use for Heart Valves Blue /Green– 528HZ
- Tav -Blood/Cells/ Circulatory System- Crown Violet /Purple/Red–852Hz
ALEPH – Psalm 119:1-8 =Chord E 852 Hz
BETH – Psalm 119:9-16 =Chord E 852Hz
GIMEL – Psalm 119:17-24 =Chord G# 396-417Hz
DALET – Psalm 119:25-32 =Chord F# 528Hz
HEI – Psalm 119:33-40 =Chord C 613-639Hz
VAV – Psalm 119:41-48= Chord C# 396Hz
ZAYIN – Psalm 119:49-56= Chord D 432 Hz
CHET – Psalm 119:57-64 =Chord D# 528Hz
TET – Psalm 119:65-72 =Chord E 396-528Hz
YOD – Psalm 119:73-80 =Chord F 396-417Hz
KAPH – Psalm 119:81-88 =Chord A# 396Hz
LAMED – Psalm 119:89-96 =Chord F# 528Hz
MEM – Psalm 119:97-104= Chord G# 432Hz
NUN – Psalm 119:105-112 =Chord G 396-432Hz
SAMECH – Psalm 119:113-120= Chord G# 639Hz
AYIN – Psalm 119:121-128 =Chord A 613-639Hz
PEH – Psalm 119:129-136 =Chord C 741Hz
TZADEE – Psalm 119:137-144 =Chord A# 396-432Hz
KUF – Psalm 119: 145-152 =Chord B 396Hz
RESH – Psalm 119: 153-160 =Chord D 852Hz
SIN & SHIN – Psalm 119: 161-168 =Chord C 528HZ
TAV – Psalm 119: 169-176 =Chord A 852Hz
Want Full Set of All 22 Hebrew Letters Go Here
Consult your physician if you have a medical condition or are taking any medications before using any of our products. You are ultimately responsible for your own health and choice. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This listing was Published on: Sep 15, 2018.