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White Ice Lavender Hydrosol 50ml RARE



White Ice Lavender Hydrosol
Song 1:12 “The Beloved about Her Lover: While the king was at his banqueting table, my nard gave forth its fragrance.”

Song 4:13 “Your branches are a paradise of pomegranates with choicest fruits, henna, and with nard.

Song 4:14 “Nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with all the trees of frankincense, myrrh, and aloes, with all the best spices.”

White Lavender is a highly perfumed aroma and is perfect for fresh or dried bouquets, making strong aroma soaps, lotions, creams, and salves. Very relaxing yet deep rich lavender aroma that will make you feel wonderful almost blissful. Highly valued by perfumery artisans and skin product crafters. Perfect gift for Mother’s Day or as a wedding present.

This white Lavender is usually grown in purple and blue lavender fields which makes it stand out but also enhances the colors of its purple-blue cousins not only in the fields but also in a beautiful bouquet for weddings and sometimes the buds are used in place of rice thrown at weddings instead of actual rice grains as a symbol of purification and is said to help them lead a beautiful fragrant journey together. The buds are added to culinary desserts and buds are added to sachets to enhance the purple lavender aroma which is given as wedding favors. 

The Benefits are same as the essential oil’s benefits are wonderful for pain relief, cooling burns, stopping acne, relieving anxiety, stress, bug bites, and stings, wrinkles and skin issues, shiny hair, and provoking feelings of love and gratitude to chase away negative energies.


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