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Shevtim Yisroel Twelve Tribes Essential oil Blend 10ml- NEAT – שנים עשר שבטים ישראל


AYTZ CHAYIM IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE 5ml Exclusive and Limited From Israel

Shevtim Yisroel -Twelve Tribes of ISRAEL Essential oil Blend
שנים עשר שבטים ישראל

Twelve essential oils blend according …


AYTZ CHAYIM IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE 5ml Exclusive and Limited From Israel

Shevtim Yisroel -Twelve Tribes of ISRAEL Essential oil Blend
שנים עשר שבטים ישראל

Twelve essential oils blend according to each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. In this 10ml blend are as follows:

REUBEN –  Myrrh
SIMEON -Cinnamon
LEVI –  Spikenard
JUDAH- Judea Etrog
DAN – Iran Galbanum
NAPHTALI – Joppa Orange

JOSEPH- Oman Frankincense
GAD -India Sandalwood
ISSACHAR – Negev Costus
ZEBULUN – Cypress

Citrus top note
Spicy-middle note
Woods bottom note

Based on the blessings and section of land given to Each tribe. Each assigned oil describet the mood and Character of each Tribe. Together blended and smell like a exotic fruit without a name. Midrash teaches us that this blend is the smell of the fruit of the Tree of Life in Gan Aden (Garden of Eden). Based on the teaching of the twelve fruits in Isaiah11:1-5 This special blend is one of kind researched, patened, and blended from Israel. Nothing can compare the scent of this unique high quality pure essential oils blend.

Calm Balance, Soothing, Fresh, and Enlightening.


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