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Oregano Dayi High Quality Essential Oil (Origanum dayi post) Negev Desert Oregano also known as Negev Ezov, Negev Dittany, and Desert Dittany 5ml HIGH DEMAND Minutiflorum origanum dayi אזובית המדבר


Attached last picture is a  GS/MS analysis sample testing. We do not conduct these tests on every new batch since we do grow the plant. We produce the oil through artisan steam distillation ourselves so we know exactly what goes into our bottles.


Negev Desert Oregano High-Quality Essential Oil

אזובית המדבר


Artisan Steam Distilled

Botanical Name Origanum dayi post

Also known as Minutiflorum origanum dayi post

Nicknames are Negev Dittany, Desert Dittany, Highland Oregano Dayi, Holy Land Oregano & Highland Dittany


Extremely Rare

Color is Light Amber to deep rich Amber

Distilled on Rimon Farms 100% pure undiluted essential oil. Grown naturally without herbicides or pesticides. Weeding, picking, and sorting are done by hand. Distilled on our farm. Much like Dittany of Crete this oil is similar but with a slightly sweet, herbal, richer, deeper, and more Mediterranean Turkish-like Oregano aroma. Unique and Native to Israel.

Attached last picture is a  GS/MS analysis sample testing. We do not conduct these tests on every new batch since we do grow and produce the oil through artisan distillation, we know exactly what goes into our bottles.

Dayi  is an endemic species of Origanum, which can be found growing in the high-altitude of Turkish mountains, but is indigenous to the Negev Desert highlands of Israel Holy Land. This is a unique and rare wildcrafted Oregano is grown and distilled in the Negev desert highland that has a strong warm, slightly sweet, spicy, and very deep aroma profile that is cannot be mistaken for any traditional Vulgare Oregano.

Constituents are carvacrol, thymol, cymene, caryophyllene, pinene, bisabolene, linalool, borneol, geranyl acetate, linalyl acetate, and terpinene. The oil was characterized by high proportions of 1,8-cineole (18.2–26.8%), terpinen-4-ol (16.1–21.6%) and α-terpineol (12.9–16.8%).

Benefits: digestion, pain relief, cold soreness, uplifting in smell, circulation, antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. Effective for respiratory system treatment, a mild substitute for eucalyptus, relieves sinusitis, shortness of breath, and coughing. Suitable for children over age 2 when diluted properly.

יעיל לטיפול במערכת נשימה, תחליף עדין לאקליפטוס, מקל על מצבי סינוסיטיס, קוצר נשימה ושיעול

. מתאים לתינוקות בהנקה


Attached is a sample report of one batch we tested at random. We do not test every batch we distill since we already know whats in our essential oils that is artisan distilled by us.

When buying oils Grown and produced in Israel you are buying herbs or flowers which are grown and distilled in Israel so you are not receiving imported oil that is just bottled in Israel. ORDER NOW while supplies last.


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