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Koach Positive Energy Field ®™  Essential Oil Blend


15ml Proprietary Blend EMF Protection

Essential oils that help with EMF (electromagnetic field) protection. Antioxidants have been scientifically shown to be very beneficial with EMF protection. All 100% pure essential oils possess protective healing properties, in addition to many other health-supporting properties such as anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immune-boosting, and nervine.

Essential oils in this blend each one has varying vibrational frequencies, which generate energetic support by increasing the body’s frequency to combat the incoming stimuli from our environment of today. The oils must always be of high quality to exhibit high vibrational frequency so it really matters where each one comes from and how it is grown and treated without trauma and discourse in the process.

There are several important protection blended ingredients that were used to protect the Israelites in the Desert Wilderness recorded in the Torah and one of those blends is the Ketoret Incense blend which kept the Israelites well, preserve their clothing so did not wear out and their enemies feared them in battle because they knew G-d our creator was at their side.

Another example the Ketoret protected the Priest from the massive energy of the Holy Ark which as some rabbis, scholars, and scientists now believe was a sophisticated crafted Leyden Jar that was created to be a place to house the pure energy of  G-d’s Holy presence and it to be the place He would meet the High Priest in service on behalf of the Nation. 

The Ketoret incense was always burned and offered before the High Priest would enter the Holy place where the Ark of the Covenant resided to stand and serve G-d.

We see an example of this in the enigmatic deaths of the sons of the High Priest Aaron while participating in the first services of Adonai in the recently completed Holy Tabernacle generated many comments explaining why this tragedy occurred. This was the main concern of the Jewish commentators.

Everything had to be done in a certain order and when it was not we see that Aaron’s sons lost their lives instantly for bringing such negative and strange fire meaning it could have been something made of another energy that was of a negative nature which was completely out of place in the Most Holy Place. This is why sin cannot exist before G-d’s presence so we must be covered with a positive field of energy and vitality.

The two men may have thought this strange fire was better than fire for the altar. Today we see mankind has created a strange unnatural fire called EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) and not only are people suffering from the negative effects but it may shorten lives. There are natural positive EMF fields that occur and these can be used to reverse what is negative in the field. We can use things in nature like essential oils, incense, and herbal remedies, and the Torah is filled with such wisdom.

This blend contains Ketoret Ingredients along with Rose, Lemongrass, and Magnesium oils exert their beneficial effects by inhibiting L and T-type VGCC’s. This blend is great to wear when using electronic devices and in areas with excessive WiFi signaling. 

Ingredients Proprietary Blend: Balm of Gilead ISRAEL, Cassia ISRAEL, Cinnamon Leaf and Bark ISRAEL, Cistus ISRAEL, Frankincense Sacra Oman (HOLY LAND CHARGED RESINS), Galbanum IRAN, Myrrh Yemen (HOLY LAND CHARGED RESINS), Benzoin Yemen (HOLY LAND CHARGED RESIN), Saffron ISRAEL, Clove ISRAEL, Lavender Wild Nard ISRAEL, Lemongrass ISRAEL, Negev Rose ISRAEL, and Magnesium Oil ISRAEL (Extracted from the Dead Sea).

Biblical inspiration: Exodus 30:22-32, Proverbs 3:7 – 8, Proverbs 4:20 – 22, Proverbs 13:17, Ex. 30:34, and Proverbs 15:30.

The intention of this blend is to take the negative energy and bring good health and vitality.

As described in Isaiah 10:27, “It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.


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