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Honesuckle Melody© Face and Body Soap 3.5 oz Made with Organic Gardenia, Honeysuckle and Jasmine



Honeysuckle Melody© Face and Body Soap


Made with Honeysuckle, Gardenia, and Jasmine Flowers


“I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” Song of Solomon 2:1

The mention of flowers growing in the Holy Land of Eretz Israel, including Honeysuckle flowers, in the Bible serves as a reminder of G-d’s majesty over all and His creative power. Honeysuckle symbolize the beauty and abundance, grace and blessings,  found in nature, reflecting the divine design behind all living things. In the Holy Land Honeysuckle mostly grow in Ein Geidi and some high mountain regions of Israel.

Made with Israeli Organic ingredients of Honeysuckle powder, Honeysuckle enfleurage maceration oil, Honeysuckle hydrosol, Jasmine pearl powder, Jasmine flower extract, Jasmine hydrosol, Jasmine absolute essential Oil,  Jerusalem Olive Oil, Gardenia Enfleurage Maceration Oil, Tahitian Gardenia Hydrosol, Tahitian Gardenia Enfleurage Maceration Oil, Gardenia flower powder,  Sea Buckthorn Oil, Gardenia hydrosol, Israeli Desert  Date Palm Oil, Israeli Coconut Oil, Fair Trade Shea Butter, Organic Vegetable Glycerine Organic, and Acacia Wood Ash. 

A proprietary formula so ingredients will not be listed on the Label. This soap has inflammation reducing properties and great for a nice soak before bed to get a good night sleep.


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