Heather Flower Maceration Essential Oil
Calluna vulgaris
Flowers From Poland
Made in Israel
Extremely Rare
Proverb 15:19
The way of the lazy is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a field of flowers.
Heather, the name most commonly used for the plant, is of Scottish origin presumably derived from the Scots word Haeddre. A delicate floral that will send you back to the Scottish moors. Imagine standing in a field of this delicate flower as the mist rises very relaxing and fragrant.
The scientific name, Calluna vulgaris, in general, came from Calluna, from the Greek ‘Kallune’ meaning to clean or brush, as the twigs were used for making brooms and ‘vulgaris’ from the Latin word, meaning common. This oil is Enfleurage process made with flowers and Israeli date palm oil, Israeli coconut oil, and Israeli sunflower oil. The flowers are soaked into the fat and changed every 26-52 hrs. This is a very long process and done without perfumers’ alcohol. We are really proud of this one.
Calluna vulgaris grows throughout Europe and western Asia. It is a notable plant of the British Isles, where the shrub thrives throughout the region’s dry, acidic soils. Heather has been a revered plant in Scotland, and Poland for millennia and was used as incense, thatching bedding, and broom making. Heather grows very well in the middle East. Much of which is the Polish and Scottish varieties
Additionally, heather flowers were utilized for their wellness-supporting properties and as the main ingredient in meads and ales. Heather flowers can be steeped as tea, added to bath and body creations, and used in homebrewing. Essential oil is used as a massage oil, body oil, perfume when mixed with other florals such as Jasmine and Rose, and pain reliever when used in bath or foot soak.