Rainbow Eucalyptus High Quality Essential Oil
Eucalyptus deglupta
USA/ South America
Extremely Rare
The beautiful Rainbow Eucalyptus is remarkably so beautiful and is so unbelievably fragrant and this tree’s coloring is entirely natural. As the Rainbow Eucalyptus grows the bark falls away in patches at different times of year exposing the bright green inner bark. As time passes the inner back changes colour going blue, purple, orange and then maroon, giving the trees their incredibly colourful look.
Traditionally used much like any other eucalyptus. Stimulant, antiseptic, antimalarial, antibacterial. Studies have shown antibacterial, anticataract properties. Antiseptic and deodorant: Apply crushed leaves on affected area. Cough and asthma: Take decoction of leaves as tea. In other countries, used to combat malaria. Used as antiseptic gargle.Used for lung infects and bronchitis. Oil used for croup and spasmodic throat problems.
Leaf essential oil is mainly composed of sesquiterpenoids (48%), of which E-nerolidol is the major component. (34.8%). E. deglupta showed an MIC of 250 µg/ml against M. tuberculosis H37Rv. E. deglupta showed major radical scavenging activity by DPPH assay with concentration of 1.33 µg/ml. (11)