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Here is something I learned just recently. Jewish sages say that if gold had a smell it would smell like Frankincense, Myrrh and Rose. Why?

Here is why Rose is said to open up the veins of the mind and heart. The Hebrew word for rose is וְרִיד and the root word of rose is ו – ר – ד which means vein. When the letter yud י is added it is the first letter of G-d’s Holy Name and so therefore it is G-d who opens the veins of the mind and heart.

Frankincense in Hebrew Levana means white or pure. The root word of Frankincense is ליבנת that means heat or heated. Gold is heated to be purified. Myrrh is the word מֹר which means bitter but it is also the word for Mr. or Master root. The master of the Universe causes Gold is heated to be purified so that it opens the Veins of the mind and heart. Finally the word gold is דהב which means to become golden or pure light.

Precious gold was said to be infused into the anointing oil that Moshe (Moses) used for mental, bodily and spiritual purification. In the ancient times of our Jewish history it was believed that gold in the body worked by stimulating the life force (blood cells) and raising the level of vibration on all levels. When smelled by our nose it boosts the brain to focus more clearly.

Gold was use for dentistry by both Egyptians and Israelites alike. It was common to drink Colloidal Gold.Today, medical uses of gold have expanded greatly. It is used in surgery to patch damaged blood vessels, nerves, bones, and membranes.

It is also used in the treatment of several forms of cancer. Injection of microscopic gold pellets helps retard prostate cancer in men. Women with ovarian cancer are treated with colloidal gold, and gold vapor lasers help seek out and destroy cancerous cells without harming their healthy neighbors.

Every day, surgeons use gold instruments to clear coronary arteries, and gold -coated lasers give new life to patients with once inoperable heart conditions and tumors.

Is it not amazing that our Creator appropriately named Gold in Hebrew. Amazing how it is said to smell like Rose, Frankincense and Myrrh.

This beautiful blend is Frankincense, Myrrh , Negev Rose petals and pure real Kosher 24kt gold leaf ( this is Edible gold metal free) infused together to create a lovely serum for skin, to use in a diffuser or wear as a natural perfume.

Other benefits of Gold are the body’s temperature stabilizing mechanism is restored to balance with gold, particularly in cases of chills, hot flashes, and night sweats.

Gold has a balancing and harmonizing effect on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. It is used to improve mental attitude and emotional states. It has been reported to promote a feeling of increased energy, will power, mental focus and libido.

According to many studies, gold increases mental acuity and the ability to concentrate.Gold is thought to strengthen mental function by increasing the conductivity between nerve endings in the body and on the surface of the brain.

Gold is an all-natural mineral that is non-toxic and exhibits no interactions with other drugs, and is easily tolerated by the body.

The fabulous healing properties of gold are slowly but surely being rediscovered, as modern scientists and physicians uncover what the ancient Israelites seem to have known all along: That gold is indeed a very precious metal. Ever wonder why it was used in the building of the Holy Temple?

We have very limited supply. Listing will be up shortly to purchase.

Update video Dec 19, 2018

EXCLUSIVE ZEHAV SHEMEN- GOLD OIL From Our Mystical Gold Collection Available only at Aytz Chayim Aroma

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