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Real Gem Stone Roller Bottle 10ml for Color Therapy





Seventeen 23 Gemstone Rollers to choose from!

Includes an purple, green or blue roller bottle and lid (lid color may vary)

Amazing gift for any oiler

Fits any of our 10ml roller bottles

Assortment of Stones available:

  • Blue Ocean Quartz
  • Silver Steel
  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Blue Agate (light blue in color)
  • Cat’s eye quartz
  •  Turquoise
  • Fusha Pink Jade
  • Purple Jade

Biblical Color Therapy:

The gems of the Ephod are debated and to which belonged to which tribe, but it was the gemstones that healed the Nation of Israel when they were unified, but when the Tribes split or even dispersed the healing powers of these stones were not as strong alone as they are together in unity. Scientific sceptics have of course dismissed the matter, but it was surprised to find a number of references to similar beliefs within the Torah, Talmud, and the Zohar.

The most obvious of these references can be found in relation to the Ephod, the breastplate worn by the Cohen Hagadol (High Priest) in the Jewish Temple, containing twelve separate stones, each of which represented a different tribe.

And you shall set it with four rows of mounted stones; the first row: a ruby, an emerald, and a topaz. The second row: a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a quartz crystal. The third row: a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst. The fourth row: a chrysolite, an onyx, and an opal. These stones shall be placed in gold settings. The stones shall contain the names of the twelve children of Israel, one for each of the twelve stones; each one’s name shall be engraved as on a signet ring, to represent the twelve tribes. (Ex. 28: 17-21)

Apart from these, two stones regarded as Oracles, the Urim and Tumim (illuminator and verifier), possibly made from Sardonyx, were inscribed with the sacred Name of G-d and inserted in the folds of the Breastplate.  It caused the letters inscribed on its stones to light up in response to queries posed by the leaders to indicate a positive or a negative response from G-d when asked a particular question.

And [Joshua] shall stand before Elazar the priest, who shall ask counsel for him after the judgment of the Urim before G-d: by this word shall they go out, and by this word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him. (Numbers 27:21).


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