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Myrtle הדס Organic High quality Essential Oil- 5ml ISRAEL


Please note we are the only producers of Myrtle oil that we artisan distilled in Israel from Native grown Myrtle flowers and leaves. The flowers are often used at weddings as centerpieces on tables. The flowers are considered to be a symbol of long life and a deep love that will last an eternity for the couple.


Myrtle 5 ml Organic
Myrtus communis
Leaf & Flower

Please note we are the only producers of Myrtle oil that we artisan distilled in Israel from Native grown Myrtle flowers and leaves. The flowers are often used at weddings as centerpieces on tables. The flowers are considered to be a symbol of long life and a deep love that will last an eternity for the couple.

In Hebrew, the word for Myrtle is “Hadas” which is from the word Hadassah which is the birth name of Queen Esther. In the Bible, the Myrtle tree was treasured as a wood used to create harps, and lyres, and to build wedding gifts and furniture such as bed clothing racks and dressers.

Calming, expectorant, antibacterial, astringent, coughs, bronchitis, and digestion.

Myrtle is one of four species used in the Lulav set that was waved during the festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles).  

Smell is considered the loftiest and most transcendent sense….All other senses desire forbidden things while the nose remains ”holy”…Arizal connects the sense of smell to the month of Adar.with myrtle and Myrrh.. Sukkot Myrtle one of the most fragrant plants of the Lulav set that was waved in the Holy Temple”.

Arizal connects the sense of smell to the month of Adar, the month that contains the holiday of Purim. The heroes of that holiday were Mordechai and Esther, both of whom have a connection to scent.

Esther’s real name was Hadassah, which means myrtle (a good smelling plant). And the Talmud relates the name Mordechai to Mor diror, which is musk (Bnei Yissaschar). Sukkot a time which the most fragrant plant of the lulav set was waved in the Holy Temple.

See our Lulav blend here

The four [species] at sukkot represent the four-letter Name of God, with the lulav being the [Hebrew letter] vav, which channels the divine energy into the world and man. If for no other reason, the four must be held together while waving for the Unity of the Name.

Etrog — because it is written (Psalms 104: 1): ‘You are clothed in glory and majesty.’ (The word translated as majesty is hadar. In the Torah (Leviticus 23:40), the etrog is called the fruit of the goodly tree.  The same Hebrew word, hadar, is used in that context to mean goodly.)

Palm — because it is written (Psalms 92:13): ‘The righteous bloom like a date palm.’

Myrtle- HADAS — because it is written (Zechariah 1:8): ‘And he stood among the myrtle-trees (hadasim).’

Willow — because it is written (Psalms 68:5): ‘Extol Him who rides on the clouds above the willow trees [aravot], the Lord is His name.’


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