Royal Balm of Gilead Salve
1.7 oz size Blue Jar
Refrigerate before and after use. Keeps fresh and lasts longer.
The hemp butter will melt in warmer weather, but it does not harm the salve
Benefits: pain reliever, congestion relief, dry skin issues, cold, flu, and anxiety.
Our Balm of Gilead Salve Ingredients are: Balsam sap resinleaf and stems from Israel and Saudia Arabia, Rose of Sharon (Labdanum) from Israel, and Jerusalem Mint from Israel. With a hint of Myrtle from Israel, Frankincense, and Myrrh from Oman Israeli Distilled. Blended in a base of Pure Extra Virgin Jerusalem Olive Oil from Israel, Hemp Butter Israel, and Organic Beeswax Israel. This is one of the hardest oils to blend because this blend actually has a specific amount of each ingredient and oil according to the Hebrew texts of the Tanach and Hebrew texts of Jewish Sages. This is an especially well-kept secret much like the Shemen sod of the Ketoret (Temple Incense blend).
The Balm of Gilead is an aromatic resin tree/bush used for medical purposes that were exported from Tyre, Mecca, and elsewhere. This is seen in scriptures where it is mentioned that the Ishmaelites (Arabs) who carried Yosef into Mitzrayim bondage were also Gilead Balm (resin sap from balsam trees) traders. Israel’s Holy Land did produce much of the balm of Gilead in the region.
The species Commiphora opobalsamum species of Balsam also known as Judaic Balsam, was transplanted in Israel from Somalia, Yemen, and Ethiopia about 25 years ago by Dr. Zohar Amar, is the Chief Spice of the Temple Incense, and only this Judaic Balsam that is grown in Israel can be used for the Incense.
The liquid balsam called Balsam of Mecca is extracted from the tree Commiphora gileadensis (synonym: Commiphora opobalsamum)It is designated in the Tanach by various names: bolsem, besem, ẓori, nataf, and, in Rabbinic literature, kataf, balsam, bolsum appobalsamon, and afarsemon. It was used as a perfume and as a drug.
It was extracted both as the volatile component of the sap of the tree, and sometimes by boiling the stems and leaves. It was the only tropical tree to produce the most expensive, spice grown in Israel.
Balsam trees are native to the Gilead area in Jericho Valley. Incisions in the bark of a balsam tree yield three or four drops a day from each, and left to stand the balsam becomes of a golden color and pellucid as a gem. Balm was so scarce that the Jericho gardens yielded only six or seven gallons yearly, which was worth twice its weight in silver or gold.
Psalm 56 says “You have taken account of my wanderings; put my tears in Thy bottle; are {they} not in Thy book? In the ancient world, when a loved one died, mourners would catch their falling tears in a bottle and bury them as a token of eternal devotion.
Psalm 84 also speaks about Bacha (weeping) where it says ‘How blessed is the man whose strength is in you; in whose heart are the highways {to Zion} Passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring, the early rain also covers it with blessings. They go from strength to strength, {every one of them} appears before G-d in Zion.”
The tree when scratched produces tears of resin. And that weeping of the plant is not in vain – it produces oil that in Biblical days was used as a healing balm (see Jer. 46:11; 8:22). The region of the tree of this Balm is found in Jericho Valley in the Holy Land of Israel where the tribe of Gad, Benjamin and Judah dwelled. Ruth’s family were said to have been Balm of Gilead cultivators and traders of the resin. Today it grows in Israel near the dead sea.
See our Blog on Ruth:
Tanach texts related with this oil can be found in: Genesis 37:25, Ezekiel 27:17, Jeremiah 8:22, Song of Songs 4:1, Song of Songs 6:13, 2 Sam 5:22-25.
***Always consult your physician before the use of any essential oils or herbs.
****The statements in this shop have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Some of our Reviews:
Right-path Rivka makes a miraculous healing feeling. As soon as I have a bit of this balm on my fingers, I can already feel the effects. Having tried another ‘Balm of Gilead,’ it is really a relief to finally have the real thing with an authentic recipe made by someone who knows how it’s supposed to be done. It smells great, has a really nice texture, and of course, it does the job of soothing skin but so much more than that, when I used it I felt transported to another place and time. It’s a pretty incredible experience — but I suppose that would vary depending on one’s predispositions such as level of sensitivity and attunement to various things. I say this so no one else will be disappointed if not feeling that same level of transport and such. For me, it’s absolutely incredible and just what I’d been searching for!
The packaging, texture of the product, and aroma are smile-inducing! This vendor is one of integrity and a very generous spirit. I thank G_d for directing me to this site and vendor!
So glad to have found this. Thank you!
Lisa B-2020
*****5 out of 5 stars
The REAL DEAL finally!