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Israel is My Beloved© 5ml High Quality Essential Oil Blend ישראל אהובי MADE IN ISRAEL Limited Supply




Israel is My Beloved© High-Quality Essential Oil Blend

ישראל אהובי

Chose from 5ml Miron Violet Bottle or Royal Blue Cobalt Bottle with our New Essential Oil Roller Top to carry in a pocket to be used immediately as needed or you can chose a traditional euro dropper top.


Limited supply

Aroma: A blend of cozy warm notes with a pop of fresh citrus, and grounding sacred notes,  that enhances every atmosphere and brings a calming mood. You can diffuse it or add it to a DIY spray to refresh any space. Color is a yellow to a blue-green color.

The intention of Israel Beloved Blend is to help find courage, love, and strength to grow in all aspects of life. This is a blend to relieve pain, lower anxiety, and stress, and bring a sense of peace. 

Beloved means to be adored, cherished, feel wanted, and value. Feelings of empowerment we hope to give to with every drop of this beautiful aromatic essential oil blend.

This oil was created over a year ago, but we could not find the right name for this blend. We knew it was something special and a blend that is profoundly doing amazing work with clients with trauma, stress and anxiety. We did not know when or how but this oil blend was going to be a powerhouse when we put this one to market outside my practice office.

We simply called it “Our Beloved Blend”. Then when the October 7th attack happened and I started getting clients from all over the globe right and left in crisis emotionally asking for help, mentally, and even spiritually. I reached for this blend.

Every Client and Customer reported the deep work this oil was doing for them. How it was helping them focus, feel stronger, have a sense of peace, love, and even a feeling of strength, and deep renewel in emuna (faith).  The name of this oil came to me in the middle of the night after a long day of consults with so many customers and clients.

We also like pairing This blend with our Ametz-Have Courage essential oil.

Crafted with the delicate oils of Magnolia Flower, Jasmine Absolute, Gurjun Balsam, White Pepper, Blue Tansy, Lime Steam Distilled,  Aged Patchouli Heat Note Dark, Fir- Douglas , Palo Santo, Ho Wood, Frankincense Hojary Sacra, Fir- Balsam Absolute, Negev Rose Absolute (Rosa centifolia) and Etrog Citron, blended with a touch of Jojoba Oil

This Blend profoundly affects the spiritual heart center of emotions and is a beautiful oil for relationships to bring unity with family and friends. It opens our hearts and our spirits to recognize we are loved more than we can possibly comprehend. Understanding the great love that G-d has for us can help us to heal our own emotional wounds and trauma. From our wholeness of the heart, we can then see clearly and respond generously in just the right way.

This oil is helpful in developing the inner strength and fortitude we need to become strong and arise from adversity. The oils in this blend are of benefit when we are feeling overwhelmed, unsure, and stressed, or having a difficult time accepting unexpected changes of our lives. This blend offers help with moods of depression and panic attacks.

Other benefits are joint pain relief, mental fatigue, inflammation, and help blocks negative thoughts. Use a small amount on pulse areas and areas of need. A little goes a long way.

Bible Inspirations texts:  Joshua 1:6-9, Genesis 15:1, and Prov 3:25-26, Psalms 27:14, Isaiah 41:6, Deut 31:6

Chazak v’Amatz -for G-d is with thee wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9).  There are certain signs called chevlei Mashiach – the “birth pangs” of the Messiah – that indicate that the time is indeed imminent. Be of Courage and Strength during these times of trial. Give Chesed (kindness) and Love always to one another and stay Unified as a people of G-d.

The Torah clearly addresses, for us throughout the ages, the prescription for overcoming fear and doubt when Moshe Rabbeinu reassures Joshua by saying: (ParshasVayeilech 31: 7-8) “Chazak v’ematz, Be strong and courageous!”  Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch explains: “Remain firm in taking the knowledge of your tasks from the Torah and be strong in overcoming all obstacles in carrying them out.

If you would like a more personalized formula schedule a Personal Consultation Appointment

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