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Hemp Kosher -All White Tzitzits FULL SET Shatnez free certified כשר קנבוס ציצית



These 100% pure Hemp tzitzit set, Completely natural! Each set contains 4 white shamash fringes or cords (Tekheles) and 12 regular white fringes (cords).

This high quality (1mm) 8-strand pure hemp is from North America and carefully inspected for impurities as it is spun. Checked by Shatnez Lab. These cords have the quality of heredit Jerusalem kosher.

Very Popular favorite fringes in the Negev and Nachloat Communities of Israel to go with their natural hemp, cotton, and linen tallis or Katan garments. However, there seem to be some opinions that Hemp tzitzits should be worn with hemp garments only. See Mishna Berura in 9:2-6 and please consult with your Rav.

Fringes are pre-shrunk; however, if exposed to moisture and high heat, additional shrinkage may occur. Hand wash in cold water with gentle liquid soap. Rinse thoroughly. Hang to dry. Low iron if needed.

To prevent bal tosif see proper care instructions inside of the package.

PLEASE NOTE; All our P’til cords sets do not come pre-tied because it’s considered preferable to do a mitzvah yourself and because it teaches you about the mechanics behind the tzitzit and heightens your awareness of the tzitzit, which are really the essence of the mitzvah of wearing a tallit. After all, the tzitzit are really the raison d’tre of the tallit and tallit katan

This set of tzit tzit was made with highest kavannah and hiddur mitzvah.
ספינות מי ריבקה שרי ®


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