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Dodi Li (My Beloved) Ketubah®™ Essential Oil Blend 5ml Miron Violet Bottle NEW Limited Edition 20th Anniversary Label


NEW 20th Anniversary Label

Limited Edition Miron Violet Glass Bottle


Dodi Li (My Beloved) Ketubah®™ Essential Oil Blend

5ml size Miron Violet Glass Bottle

Limited Edition New 20th Anniversary Label 

Also known as Dodi Li Sod ®™ and My Beloved Shemen ®™

This blend was first created back in 2002 when my husband I got married. The blend was sprinkled onto our ketubah canvas, sprinkled onto our Chuppah, and on my bouquet of roses and lilies, a drop was added to my husband’s Tallis, also to the rose on his lapel and I wore it as my wedding day perfume.

The blend recipe was inspired when I was reading several passages of the Shir ha’Shirim (Song of Songs) so I decided to take all my favorite florals with the citron which is the Etrog because our wedding was 7 days before the High Holiday season of the year. All these oils’ properties are listed in the Holy texts of the Tanach (The Bible). I blended them carefully together to create this beautiful unique oil. The ingredients are essential oils of flowers and citrus that are grown and distilled in Israel. Since the first batch in 2002, we have improved the blend recipe to greater depths and notes of citrus and floral harmony. Love is not a strong enough word to describe this beautiful blend. It’s love and pure happiness in a bottle.

Inspired from these verses:

Song of Songs 2:16, and 6:3, My beloved is mine, and I am his. He feeds his flock among the lilies. Song of Songs 2:1, I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
Song of Songs 6:7, Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate.
Song of Songs 8:2, I would lead you and bring you to my mother’s house– she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink, the nectar of my pomegranates.

The first batch I ever made was from oils I obtained in our Holy Land Israel and created this blend for my wedding day 2002 in the month Elul.

ELUL is an acronym for Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li, I am for My beloved and My beloved is for me (Song of Songs 6:3). At other times, G-d, the divine Beloved, reaches out to us (see, for example, Song of Songs 2:16). During Elul, however, we must initiate the relationship of renewal. It all starts with the ani, the word I. We must see ourselves for who we are, for who we have and haven’t yet been, and for who we might become. Knowing we are because G-d is Almighty, all-seeing, and has compassion.

ELUL is an acronym for Ish Lereyehu Umatanot La’evyonim, Each one to his neighbor, and gifts to the poor (Esther 9:22). This verse describes the celebration at the time of Queen Esther when the Jews were spared. Foodstuffs were sent to neighbors and friends, and gifts, to the poor. Those exchanges remain Purim practices to this day. Nehemiah 8:10 speaks of Jews sending gifts of food (the same phrase “shilchu manot” is used) to one another at the time of the New Year, as well. Some Hasidic groups maintain the custom of sending gifts of food during Elul.

ELUL is an acronym for Inah Leyado Vesamti Lach. Deliver into his hand, I shall establish for you (Exodus 21:13). Elul “a refuge in time.” Elul provides a haven for all his people even those that have sinned. The Ketubah between G-d and His People is at a time of renewal and forgiveness.

ELUL is an acronym for Et Levavecha Ve’et Levav. Your heart and the heart of your [children] (Deuteronomy 30:6). Moses describes how G-d will bring the people back into the Promised Land, following their exile, and he adds that God will circumcise their hearts and the hearts of their children. This implies vulnerability, of course, but also a return to softness and kindness.

ELUL can also be read backward in the first letters of the phrase Ladonai Vayomro Leymor Ashirah. To G-d, and they said, saying, “I will sing” (Exodus 15:1). This phrase is part of a verse that introduces the Song of the Sea. Moses and the people of Israel sing praises to G-d following the parting of the Sea of Reeds and their escape from Pharaoh’s army. Just when their situation seemed absolutely hopeless, they were saved.

This Blend is so inspiring that you will want to share this with your friends who are newly engaged, newlyweds, or already married. It brings balance clarity and is very spiritually uplifting.


Sweet Lily Abs Rare/ True Mountain Lily grown and from Israel Lilium auratum taken from blossoms . Biblical References: Song of Solomon 2:1,2:2, Hosea 14:5, 2Chron 4:5.  Other texts describes lily as the Flower on the Holy Temple Menorah. Spiritual references: Lily innocent and pure, virgin, without guilt. Lily among thorns, righteous a tzadik.

Cistus (Rose of Sharon) from Israel Cistus Ladanifer Rose of Sharon’s Spiritual Significance Song of Sol 2:1 “I am the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valleys.” Biblical References: Song of Solomon 2:1. Rose of Sharon Hebrew Meaning: 1) meadow-saffron, crocus, rose

 Etrog ( Esrog Citron) from Israel- Citrus medica /Peel Spiritual meaning; Etrog is a citron. citrus, “Etrog–because it is written (Psalms 104: 1): ‘You are clothed in glory and majesty.’ (The word translated as majesty is hadar. In the Torah (Leviticus 23:40), the etrog is called the fruit of the goodly tree. Because Etrog is a shape of the woman’s breast. Often referred to life sustaining good fruits of good deeds.  The same Hebrew word, hadar, is used in that context to mean goodly.)Etrog refers to the heart, the place of understanding and wisdom.

Henna abs fromIsrael  Lawsonia inermi extracted leaves “My lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi” – Songs of Songs 1:14 Henna’s Spiritual Significance: The Hebrew word for camphire (henna) means a ransom, with its root word meaning to forgive. In the Middle East, a bride applies the spice of henna as a paste to her hands and feet on the night before her wedding. Biblical References: Song of Solomon 1:14, Song of Solomon 4:13  Hebrew:  Henna (Camphire) ransom,  2) asphalt, pitch (as a covering) 3) the henna plant to create dye,  4) small cluster or village

Lotus Abs Nelumbo nucifera  This flower is my (Rivka) birth flower. he Lotus flower is often viewed as a symbol of awakening. The reason is that while it grows in muddy ponds of sometimes stagnant water, it blossoms every day with the pre-morning sun and comes with beautiful mud free petals. Its a symbol for purity and joy.

I wanted to have white lotus possibly blue lotus flowers in my boquet since it is my birth flower, but since we could get enough of these flowers during the month Elul so I chose to add it to our blend instead. So my bouquet was filled with roses and lilies and sweet gardenia.

Gardenia Enfleurage/Absolute Gardenia grandiflora x G. jasminoides Most commonly associated with their sweet aroma andwhite hues pinwheel petals, gardenias is a choice for wedding bouquets. That makes sense, since these flowers have several meanings such as love, purity, and refinement.

Most often, gardenia flowers are given as symbols of trust. They show love and respect for a person/partner. They can also symbolize clarity. Gardenia is apart of the coffee species, so it also means strength and endurance as well.

Frankincense Boswellia Frereana known as olibanum (Rare refer to as the King of all Frankincense),– Resin from Northern Moutains of Somaliland  Israeli Distilled.

We also added Frankincense b.sacra and Frankincense b.rivae

Biblical References: Song of Solomon 3:6, Song of Solomon 4:6, Song of Solomon 4:14

The Hebrew lebonah means incense, which is Frankincense.  There are five other places in the Tanach (Bible) where lebonah was translated incense, meaning Frankincense. The Hebrew word for Frankincense means pure or white. This is because of the milk-colored drops of aromatic resin that flow from the slashed inner wood of the tree. Spiritual Significance: purity to be spotless. White garments of light.

Rose Abs– rosa centifolia from Israel known as “Negev Rose ” My absolute favorite species of Rose. This rose is just Amazing in aroma and extremely rare. Beautiful Pure Essential oil from this rose is an orange-brown to orange-yellow viscous liquid which has a rich,  very sweet, honeyed and deep-rosy, very tenacious aroma. The spicy tonalities are usually less pronounced, while the honeylike notes are similar to those of the damascene it do not have that pungent cheap rose note but instead a beautiful sweet and slight green note that is a very pleasant elegant Rosey aroma. Extremely old and rare Rose bushes of sweet cabbage rose variety that has been cultivated and grown in the desert of the Negev. Amazing and rare. Beautiful Pure Essential oil. Bible References: Many varieties of the cabbage rose are indigenous to Syria, Egypt and Israel. Isaiah 35:1

Honey Abs Apis melliferra, Privately produced in Gadash Ora Israel
harvested from Honey /Bees wax- Honey is a staple in Ancient Israel. It sweetens everything from beverages, food to medicines.


Bible References:

Isaiah 35:2 It shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God.

Song of Solomon 2:1-17 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. As a lily among brambles, so is my love among the young women. As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men. With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste. He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. Sustain me with raisins; refresh me with apples, for I am sick with love. …

Song of Solomon 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

Pomegranate seed oil. Cold Pressed seeds C02 from Israel
Biblical references: Song of songs 6:7 Your temples behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate. Exodus 39:26, Songs of Songs 8:2. Spiritual Significance: Temple service, mitzvot ie good deeds.

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