Royal Balm Of Gilead High-Quality Essential Oil
שמן אפרסמון
Commiphora gileadensis
2.5 ml Size (This listing is for 2.5ml which is poured into a 5ml bottle)
ISRAEL (Balm of Gilead Farm)
In ancient times, a wonderful plant was grown on the shores of the Dead Sea – the ancient Balm of Gilead. It was one of the most important medicines and the coveted aroma in the Roman Empire was produced from the plant’s resin sap and leaves. The ancient Balm of Gilead was the first ingredient of the incense of the Temple known as Balsam and the sole component of the Holy Anointing oil during the Second Temple period.
According to ancient sources, the plant was given to the Kingdom of Judah as a gift given by the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon upon their marriage. The plant is found today natively growing in Saudi Arabia. The Aroma was favored by the kingdom of Israel and many Nations which was also used by the daughters of Jerusalem who used the cold-pressed oil on Tu B’Av when they dawned their white dress and danced in the threshing fields see story of Ruth. The ancient Balm of Gilead is considered the finest type of Resin in the world.
See our Balm of Gilead Sod®™ Essential Oil Blend 15ml שמן אפרסמון