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Black Poplar Balm of Gilead 30ml Hydrosol From The Pacific Northwest USA Black Poplar Tree



Black Poplar Balm of Gilead 30ml Hydrosol
From The Pacific Northwest USA Black Poplar Tree
Latin Botanical Name: Populus balsamfera
Synonym Name: Gileadous populus
Nickname: Balsam of Gilead Tree
FRESH (Not Dried)- Bud, Leaves, and branches
Oregon, USA
Limited Supply-Rare

Poplar buds are best used fresh, live for medicines. If not fresh, then frozen and thawed. Dried buds will always be rotten, black, and crumbly inside from fungal decay. DO NOT EVER USE DRIED BUDS FOR MEDICINES.

Made from fresh Buds, branches, and leaves of the famous NW-grown Poplar trees (Populus Gileadous, Populus Balsamfera) that grow in Pacific NW Oregon and Washington, USA.

Excellent for making creams, lotions. Used for aches, pains, anxiety, stress, and bug bites, scratches, small cuts, wound cleaning, burns, inflammation relief because acts as aspirin because of the natural salicin compound found in Poplar buds and bark.

Not to be used by anyone with a coagulation issue such as Hemophilia and VWD who are taking factor replacement medications or by anyone who is taking blood thinner medications.

Summary of Benefits:
Warming, uplifting, pain relief, headache relief, wound care, stress relief, burn care, soothing to dry and itchy skin. Poplar buds contain natural salicin. So use them with caution if you’re allergic to Aspirin.

***Always consult your physician before the use of any essential oils or herbs.

****The statements in this shop have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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