Lulav®™ 10ml Essential Oil Blend
Four plants of Sukkot Lulav set. These blended together Ingredients are as follows Etrog/ Esrog Citron Essential Oil, Myrtle Hadas essential Oil, Willow Aravah Essential Oil, a touch of Desert Date Palm Oil
The Four Species called “arba’a minim” in Hebrew. These plants are native to Israel. The four species are held together and waved in six directions – east, south, west, north, upward and downward to show G-d’s presence is all around in every direction.
In Leviticus 23:40 the Hebrew terms for the four plants are:
- ‘êṣ hāḏār (עֵץ הָדָר), magnificent/beautiful trees
- təmārîm (תְּמָרִים), palm trees
- ‘êṣ ‘āḇōṯ (עֵץ־עָבֹת), thick/leafy trees
- ‘arḇê-nāḥal (עַרְבֵי נַחַל), willows of the brook/valley
In Torah and Talmudic tradition, the four plants are identified as:
- etrog (אתרוג) – the fruit of a citron tree
- lulav (לולב) – a ripe, green, closed frond from a date palm tree
- hadass (הדס) – boughs with leaves from the myrtle tree
- aravah (ערבה) – branches with leaves from the willow tree
Pain relief, sore joints, cleaning small wounds, dissolves clots to prevent bruising, bring balance to hormonal imbalance such as some thyroid issues, menstruation cramp relief, and a disinfectant for small cuts.
Four Species ®™ of Sukkot®™ Lulav ®™ blended together to bring Sukkot Joy ®™
All our Sukkot and Lulav produced were Introduced in 2013 and we brought it all back by popular demand!
See our listing Lulav 15ml essential oils blend here
and Lulav Salve here