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The ‘ketoret’ is the incense described in the Bible for use in the Holy Temple. Its composition and usage is described in greater detail in midrash, the Talmud, and subsequent rabbinic literature. Although it was not produced following the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, some Jews study the composition of the ancient Temple incense for future use in a restored Temple as part of daily Jewish services.

Contemporary Judaism still uses aromatic spices in one ritual, the havdala ceremony ending the Sabbath. In addition, there is a blessing for pleasant smells. Some Sephardic Jewish Families as well as Kabbalist Rabbis burn Frankincense before Shabbat begins as a sign that Shabbat is coming as a Fragrant Bride.

Frankincense can bring relaxation so it makes sense. Plus with a lot of guests at your Shabbos table, it can help get rid of germs and viruses that a guest might bring with them. Most Incense can be used for Aromatherapy medicinal purposes. Some people like to make into a deep religious ritualistic experience, but in Jewish tradition ie Judaism, this is forbidden when burning incense because of the Ketoret incense was and is the only Deeply religious ritual burning of incense allowed. This is why smelling Ketoret ingredients at Havdallah has a deep meaning and reminder of our Holy Temple.

Since our Temple does not stand we can no longer burn Ketoret. But many of its ingredients like frankincense, myrrh, cassia, etc can be used for healing purposes only. Incense can purify a space for clear air of germs, improve moods and bring relaxation. So you can burn incense just have to be careful and not put too much religious ritual into it.

The burning of incense, use of essential oils, or inhaling of nature’s aromas outdoors which is the biggest incense tray of spices was one of the original natural “treatments,” helping to keep humans in balance and protected from illness on many different levels since the beginning of time. It just goes to show that as we continue on the path of technological advancement of our planet, modern medicine, and further disconnection from G-d’s creation of nature, society ultimately relies more and more on man-made drugs and chemicals to make up for the lack of awareness of, the organic medicines that their ancestors received from spending time in nature breathing its essences and aromas.

If people only knew that taking deep breaths outdoors or out in the forest can be so much more than just the absorption and assimilation of oxygen. Organic nature-made incense like wood and dried plants, flowers and leaves, and resins have healing properties. Regardless if made into a salve, cream, oil, or incense stick, or just burning the resins there is health benefits. The history of Incense Aromatherapy shows us that inhaling aroma in nature is so beneficial to our overall health

General Health Benefits: Anti-septic, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-microbial and anti-viral, astringent, expectorant, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, anti-catarrhal, diaphoretic, vulnerary, calming, warming, refreshing, anti-spasmodic, immune booster, improves circulation, respiratory.



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