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Sukkot Rejoicing with the Breath of G-d

Sukkot Rejoicing with the Breath of G-d

Sages tells us there are five levels of the soul, which can be interpreted as forms of breath—neshama, which has nearly all the same letters as neshima, meaning breath; ruach which is a form of belly-breathing; nefesh whose letters can be...

Shema Gather Your Oil

“Shema is Shemen” Gather your Oil. From Torah Aromatherapy School Lesson 24“ Shema is Shemen” Gather your Oil. Written By Rivka Sari 2007 The word Shema means “to listen” but it has a much deeper meaning. It means “to gather”. When we say the Shema we need to have our...
“Zehav Shemen” and The Aroma of Gold Oil

“Zehav Shemen” and The Aroma of Gold Oil

Here is something I learned just recently. Jewish sages say that if gold had a smell it would smell like Frankincense, Myrrh and Rose. Why? Here is why Rose is said to open up the veins of the mind and heart. The Hebrew word for rose is וְרִיד and the root word of...

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