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Holy Smokes! Incense is a Higher Ground of Medicinal & Original Aromatherapy?

Holy Smokes! Incense is a Higher Ground of Medicinal & Original Aromatherapy?

The ‘ketoret’ is the incense described in the Bible for use in the Holy Temple. Its composition and usage is described in greater detail in midrash, the Talmud, and subsequent rabbinic literature. Although it was not produced following the destruction of...
“Zehav Shemen” and The Aroma of Gold Oil

“Zehav Shemen” and The Aroma of Gold Oil

Here is something I learned just recently. Jewish sages say that if gold had a smell it would smell like Frankincense, Myrrh and Rose. Why? Here is why Rose is said to open up the veins of the mind and heart. The Hebrew word for rose is וְרִיד and the root word of...

Moshiach’s right to serve the Ketoret in the Third Temple

This was the incense commanded to be burned in the Holy of Holies by Aaron the high priest of Israel the Kohen Gadol. It was comprised of 11 dry raw ingredients and had to be painstakingly made in a specific order. It was made with the musical, numeric and highest...
The King is in the Field. Come take a stroll with him in the Garden?

The King is in the Field. Come take a stroll with him in the Garden?

Happy Chodesh Elul! The King is in the Field. Come take a stroll with him in the Garden? The month of Elul, last month of the Hebrew calendar year, is an auspicious time for repentance, prayer and introspection. These are special days of Divine good will and mercy,...

שמן האפרסמון חוזר הביתה || גן עצי בשמים לבית המקדש

                                           http://the– שמן האפרסמון חוזר הביתה || גן עצי בשמים לבית המקדש יום שישי, 7 באוקטובר 2016 מסע בין עצי הבשמים האגדיים של הקטורת, בגן העדן הלאומי שמייסד גיא ארליך (46) במרחבי...

Who was Ruth really? What does the Torah really reveal about Ruth?

Who was Ruth really? What does the Torah really reveal about Ruth? Copyright (c) 2017 Ruth Painting By Neshama Raquel Sari Ruth could not be a Moabite because she was the great grandmother of King David. King David was the third generation from Ruth and Boaz. Moabites...

Answers for Questions about the Oil Press, Asher, Gethsemane, and Chanukah.

I receive a lot of questions specifically from Christians about the meaning of Gethsemane? And from many people asking why did it take so long to get the oil for the Temple Menorah in the Chanukah story? Was the oil acquired from Asher’s potion of  land? So I...
Passover and Hashem’s Divine Light

Passover and Hashem’s Divine Light

There’s really only one difference between Matzah and Chametz. They’re both made from flour and water, both baked in an oven, and both provide nourishment. But one stays flat and humble, while the other fills itself with hot air. The Hebrew of these two words reveals...

Holy Land Essentail Oils Grown in Israel – Aytz Chayim

Holy Land Essentail Oils Grown in Israel – Aytz Chayim Precious Holy Land Essential Oils Grown and Extracted In Israel; Etrog, Myrtle, Marjoram, Lavender, Sage, Yarrow, Grapefruit and more. Israel’s Ancient Shemen and Essential oils When you use Israeli oils that are...

Israel is Alive -Am Yisroel Chai and the Land of Milk and Honey

  THE TIMES OF ISRAEL By: Matthew Kalman  KIBBUTZ KETURA, ISRAEL – Seven years after I revealed her success in sprouting a 2,000 year-old date palm seed found on Masada, botanist Dr Elaine Solowey of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies has done it...

Twelve Ways To Raise Your Vibration Frequency of your body with Essential Oils

Twelve Ways To Raise Your Vibration Frequency of your body with Essential Oils: By Rivka Sari                        Beautiful Sunrise in Peace Valley, Northern Israel. Photo © Copyright by Idan Ben Haim . All Rights Reserved Everything in this universe is made up of...

Actions Releases a Fragrance. What your Aroma?

    The Parsha of Toldos. “V’aileh Toldos Yitzchak ben Avrohom {And these are the generations of Yitzchak the son of Avrohom}. [25:19]” The parsha tells us about the birth of Yaakov and Esav, their development and the blessings that Yitzchak gave his sons....

Fragrance of Torah

     Torah was given with thunder, lightning, smoke, shaking ground, and a shofar blast. How do we experience the Torah with all our senses today? Song of Songs 5:13 His cheeks are like beds of spices, banks of perfume, his lips are like lilies. שיר השרים ה:יג...
Balm of Gilead

Balm of Gilead

Ancient cultures discovered and utilized the medicinal and therapeutic values of spices and incorporated the burning of incense as part of religious and social ceremonies. Three ancient resinous spices were once considered the most important, they were: frankincense...

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