The Parsha of Toldos. “V’aileh Toldos Yitzchak ben Avrohom {And these are the generations of Yitzchak the son of Avrohom}. [25:19]” The parsha tells us about the birth of Yaakov and Esav, their development and the blessings that Yitzchak gave his sons.
Rivkah had been told through prophecy that the elder son would be subservient to the younger. She understood that the blessing had to go to Yaakov. She therefore sent in Yaakov, disguised as Esav, in order that the prophecy would be fulfilled and he would receive the blessings.
“And Yitzchak, his father, said to him: ‘Come close and give me to drink, my son.’ And he (Yaakov) drew close and gave him to drink and he (Yitzchak) smelled the smell of his garments and blessed him. [27:26-7]”
Rashi quotes the Medrash that teaches that the raiach {scent} of Gan Eden {the Garden of Eden} entered along with Yaakov.
Rav Yerucham zt”l in his Daas Torah explains this raiach {scent} in the following manner.
Chaza”l teach that Eliyahu Hanavi {the prophet} was once walking along with another person. They passed a corpse that had deteriorated and was emitting a very foul odor. This person covered his nose commenting about the smell while Eliyahu commented how white the teeth were. When they later passed a sinner, Eliyahu now covered his nose from the stench that was coming from that person while the person accompanying him noticed nothing at all.
Rav Yerucham explains that there is a spiritual reality that is actually quite tangible. Mitzvos and good deeds give off an actual smell! A remarkable fragrance that affects the whole surrounding area. Similarly, sins actually emit an odor that individuals of high spiritual stature can actually sense.
When Yaakov came before his father, Yitzchak, for the blessing, Yitzchak was somewhat unsure of his true identity. However, once he smelled the scent of Gan Eden that accompanied him, he was confident that this person truly deserved the blessing.
Therefore all our action has smell and when Moshiach comes he will judge us by smell. The sages tell us that even unto Hashem our action emits a order that reaches the heavens.