Ph.D in Judaic studies and Ancient Hebrew texts, Certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach., CCLA and CCMA Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist, CCT Certified Color/Chromo-Therapist, HBA Certified in Herbology and Water Soluble Medicines, SAS Sacred Anointing Specialist, Proud Member of NAHA.
“Sincere devotion to the people and the Holy Land of Israel is a cornerstone of the Hashkafa of the Holy Healing Work I have been called to do. It is all about Building Your Holy Temple within, not the Pyramids.”
Established American /Israeli Artist, and Teacher. Mother of Three Children. Have 12 Years in the mainstream Cosmetic Fragrance and Perfumery Industry which came with skills training in blending and understanding notes to create a perfect fragrance and aroma.
I naturally transitioned into understanding Holistic Blending and Perfumery after making a lifestyle change as a raw fooder and later vegan vegetarian for 10 years in 1996. However in 2006 when my eldest son was diagnosed with Hemophilia A FVIII Deficiency 1-2% severe at 17 months old. I then became interested in a more formal approach to Aromatherapy after my son was diagnosed. I decided to get certified and trained so I could better care for him.
I too carry the gene and have mild Hemophilia C (Factor XI Deficiency or Rosenthal Syndrome), which is found mostly among the Ashkenazi Jewish decent population. I have found that I too benefited from the use of essential oils and aromatherapy over the years.
I decided to take on more formal studies in the field of Holistic Aromatherapy from the world’s most respected aromatherapists. I specialize in Biblical/Torah Aromatherapy with proper testing techniques, which include Frequency Health Status Testing. In addition to Biblical/Torah Aromatherapy, I am also trained in Clinical Aromatherapy.
After my Clinical Aromatherapy training, I decided to specialize in Complementary Therapies for people with bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and Von Willebrand even though I had already been working with clients with these genetic disorders.
I also specialize in Complementary Therapies for people with brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. This by no means replaces any medical care: this is complementary therapy care.
Courses and Studies of traditional aromatic and herbal medicines at the Institute for Traditional and Herbal Medicine (ITHMA). ITHMA was founded by Gabriel Mojay in London, England in 1990
Received training and certifications in safety, proper use and practice with proper testing of Essential Oils with Torah Principals and Practice under Israel’s 40-year pioneer Master Aroma-therapist and an Israeli American Rabbi Avraham Sand of Mevo Modi’Im, Hamerkaz, Israel author of the Book “Mystical Aromatherapy. Director of Tiferet International School of Aromatherapy and Tiferet International Aromatherapy.
And I studied Clinical and Holistic Phyto-Aromatherapy for Mind-Body Health Aromatherapy and received Clinical Aromatherapy Certification under Master Clinical Aromatherapist Dr. Laurie Blockman Ph.D. who resides in London England. Director and Founder of the Holistic Institute of London Both great teachers were trained under the world-famous Master Holistic Therapist and author, Patricia Davis, founder of the London School of Aromatherapy.
I also received a Certification from the Herbalist Apache School for the study of herbology and the practice of water-soluble medicine of Herbs and Native American Medicines.
And in 2016 Received Certification Master’s Studies as a (CMCA/CCMA) Certified Clinical Master Aromatherapist and Certified Color Therapist, studied at (ICAI) International Certified Aromatherapy Institute in Canada under Marlene Mitchell (OBM). ICAI is the oldest Aromatherapy school in Canada and North America.
ICAI Certified Clinical Master Aroma-therapist Program is recognized by The Natural Health Practitioners Of Canada. Also a member of (NAHA) National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy and Alliance of International Aromatherapists. Marlene Mitchell 2011 Representative of Western Canada with the Alliance of International Aromatherapists.
Twenty years experience in customer service in wholesale and retail Fragrance and Fashion Garment industry.
Twelve years Experienced Perfumer and Chemist
Ten Years Teacher and Wellness Coach
Specialist in Foot Hand Ear Reflexology, & Emotional Cleansing.
Experienced teacher and workshop leader Experienced in Nutritional benefits Raw foods and Vegan. Vegetarian aspects of healing according to Biblical, Rabbinical, and Jewish Sages resources
Physical Therapy using massage, hydrotherapy, and ultrasound.
Tuning The Body’s Biofield Therapy with Sound
Author of Books: Safe Essential Oils for Hemophilia, Hevenly Blue, Benefits of Essential Oils (Dissertation) and The Benefits of essential oils Spiritual Edition.
Facilitator for Essential oil training according to Torah and Ancient Texts Women’s Rosh Chodesh events 2009-2013 Teaching Ten years experience in Living Hebrew letters and the Body’s DNA
Torah Reflexology according to Ancient resources Training 2009-2012
Torah Aromatherapy School and Tree of Life Aromatherapy School 2014 to Present
**Tiferet Basic Aromatherapy Safety and Practice of using Essential oils 2012 ISRAEL Aromatherapy Master Rabbi Avraham Sand who Studied under Patricia Davis founder of the London School of Aromatherapy
**Tiferet Aromatherapy Course. Mystical Aromatherapy Certification & Training (Israel) under Aromatherapy Master Rabbi Avraham Sand 2012
**Tiferet Aromatherapy Course on Proper Testing / According to your Frequency Training (Israel)- under Rabbi Avraham Sand 2012
**Certified Clinical Aromatherapy(CCLA) London, UK- under Laurie Blockman of the Holistic Institute of London 2010-2012 NAHA- who Studied under Patricia Davis founder of the London School of Aromatherapy.
**Certified Sacred Anointing Specialist under Laurie Blockman Holistic Institute of London 2010-2012. Myrrhophore Method is women of the Ancient Israel period who would carry and traditionally use 20 Ancient Sacred Bible oils or spices for soul healing and faith building through positive thinking while using deep prayer and intention to allow the receiver of anointing to experience the highest vibration and frequency of the spices to achieve complete and whole-body healing.
**Studied Perfection of Fragrance/Aroma Testing Technique Tobias Jacobs Jerusalem 2013
**Essence Journey Aromatherapy Training under Lori Moorehead 2011
**Herbology and Native Medicine under Daniel Wilkes USA- 2011-2013
**Apache School of Herbology and Water Soluble Medicines Certification training USA 2013
**Flora of the Holy Land Course-Jerusalem Botanical Gardens ISRAEL 2013
**Taste the Herbs Training course “How to treat the whole person and not the disease” Oregon USA 2004
**Enlightenment Torah Studies Courses Rabbi Gabriel Cousens MD 2009
**Full Body Reflexology and Safety Training 2013
**Certification in Life Coaching by Rabbi Yosef Greenberg 2008
**Mastered Skills in Mystical and Sacred Anointment and its applications 2012 Israel Rabbi Avraham Sand
**2014-2016 Certification Master’s studies as a (CMCA/ CCMA Certified C ID: 57763) Certified Clinical Master Aroma-therapist. Also a Certified Color Therapist and Biofield Tuning Sound Therapist 675 hours total studied at (ICAI) International Certified Aromatherapy Institute in Canada under Marlene Mitchell from 2013-2016. ICAI is the oldest Aromatherapy school in Canada and North America.
ICAI Certified Clinical Master Aroma-therapist Program is recognized by The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. Also a member of (NAHA) National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy and Alliance of International Aromatherapists. Marlene Mitchell in 2011 was the Representative of Western Canada with the Alliance of International Aromatherapists.
**Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, Women’s Holistic Seminary School in Gush Etzion, Israel. Study of Torah Kabbalah and Torah Spiritual Self Healing with the Sefirot, Protection from negative energy through Torah, Healing with Light and Color, Aromatherapy in the Torah and in the Redemption Process, and The Inherent Connection between Feminine Art and emuna. Intense Emuna Healing through color and sound. Director Rebbetzen Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
*The Fragrant Path A Sacred Guide to Aromatics of Incense 2017 Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine.-Instructor: Evan Sylliaasen, Founder, The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine Higher Mind Incense
*Timothy Miller ND, LAc, RA-Educational Training in Frequency and Vibrancy Aromatherapy. The study of the foundations of Aromatherapy and Foundations of the rainbow and gemstones and how it connect to the Divine. Chromo Therapy, Sound Therapy, with frequency and vibrational medicines
*Torah Psychology School of Coaching and Counseling- Solution-Focused Coaching, Positive Psychology, Torah Psychology (Rabbi Simon Jacobson), Logotherapy (Viktor Frankl), and Think Good and It Will Be Good – (Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch LMFT)
*Soul Science AN ANCIENT PATH TO A NEW YOU– Rabbi Doniel Katz – Training through a combination of enlightening textual study, exercises and deep mediational techniques, Aquire powerful skills for genuine self-mastery, emotional healing and transformation, and accessing profound spiritual experience.
*ALLOPATHIC vs. VITALIST HERBALISM. Focus on whole person, Energetic herbalism, Herbal Formulation, Temperature and Health lifestyle- Sajah Popham
*New York Institute of Aromatic Studies Certificate- Body Butters and Salve- Jade Shutes CA
*Beyond Essential Oil Summit- Elizabeth Ashley NAHA Accredited course 2018
* Certified Therapeutic Art Life Coach- Accredited course. Trained under Victoria Hawkins, Natalie Rivera, and Joeel Rivera at Transformation Academy™
*Grounding Skills for Anxiety, Stress and PTSD Trained
Instructor Emma McAdam Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist 2020
*Change Your Brain-Neuroplasticity and Mental Health Instructor Emma McAdam Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist 2020
See our Family and Staff page
If you like Rivka Sari to teach spiritual Torah/Bible-based connections to Aromatherapy and essential oils with an emphasis on Faith Healing please contact us today. Rivka can conduct teaching workshops, Movement Dance Healing Classes, Drumming and Music for Vitality and Healing, in your home, or group to learn about the vibrational healing frequency of your Body’s Temple, Deep study of Torah and Faith Healing in Art, Miriam’s Healing Hands Art and therapy for complete restoration of whole body, Ancient Perfume Secrets and Healing Blends, Study of Ancient Process, and more courses and classes to help you bring real lifelong healing and light
Please contact me by email
Anoint or Anointing
tr.v. a·noint·ed, a·noint·ing, a·noints
1.The act or process of macerating 2.Softening due to soaking or steeping (flower or leaf in oil)
3.We have, on a previous occasion, described the process of “maceration” or “enfleurage,” that is, the impregnation of purified fat with the aroma of certain scented flowers which do not yield any essential oil in paying quantities.-Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881 Various
4.The color will deepen as well; it’s basically the “maceration” process.
5.Original Essential Oil process from ancient days the act or process of macerating.
(əˌroʊ məˈθɛr ə pi)
Clinical Aromatherapy
clinical klin´ĭ-k’l aromatherapy ə-rō′mə-thĕr′ə-pē
3. Secret Knowledge of Ancient ways
DISCLAIMER: All information appearing on this site is based on traditional aromatherapy and is provided for educational reference purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease. If you are suffering from any disease you should seek the assistance of a qualified health care professional. Essential oils are powerful and should be treated and used with care and understanding.
The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is for educational purposes only. It’s advised that you always consult your family health practitioner